...Are Chased

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Dressed in the color of mourning, Taehyung thought back to a year ago.

It was winter break, and Jeongguk had convinced his mother to let his cool friends take him out of the city - that had involved the eldest of the friends to charm her some, but they had succeeded at a small cost - the oldest thought he had been lying to the woman.

But, Namjoon assured him a few days later when they were boarding the train, that they weren't gonna do anything wrong. They were just gonna hang out and just goof off and have fun for a few days.

So that's what they did. The boys all sat in one train car and Jeongguk stared out the window most of the time, amazed by the train - he had never been on one before, and he was a little overwhelmed by the experience - it was much different than in a car. Hoseok and Jimin argued about what the best way to ice skate was. They had the perspectives of two dancers with different styles, so it was no wonder they were arguing. And Jeongguk had never gone before so he had no input, even if he wasn't watching the landscapes rush past them.

"So, even if you knew someone for dozens of years, someone who had talked to them for half a dozen minutes could have an accurate description of their character." Namjoon was talking about a book that he had read recently on how the human mind could work in the blink of an eye. The oldest nodded not really knowing much else to do since his phone was on the verge of needing a burial, and Taehyung was sleeping, leaning against Namjoon.

With the amount of motions the tallest used with his hands, it was a wonder he didn't wake.

"Namjoon-hyung, nobody cares about your stupid psychology book," Jimin said, turning away from his argument with Hoseok, having been close to losing.

"Hyung was listening!" Namjoon gestured to his audience of one, but when Jimin looked to him, he was getting a look of pleading gratitude from the eldest hyung.

"Namjoon, you half put him to sleep, he's just too polite to say anything," Hoseok said, rolling his eyes in the process. Jimin nodded in agreement. Namjoon let out a huff of indignation.

"I'm sure I can find someone who wants to know why quick judgements are sometimes the best." Namjoon stood, letting Taehyung fall on accident, and sent everyone a fake glare before setting off to find someone, his red hood and violet hair standing out greatly against the drab backdrop that was the dark train. It was already nighttime, and many passengers were sleeping or chatting quietly with one another or reading with a personal light. Namjoon searched for someone to talk to, but with little luck.

Back in the train car, Taehyung had awoken. Mainly because Namjoon had dropped him, but also because Hoseok's phone began to go off loudly. He left the car to answer it, and Taehyung sat up, rubbing his eyes with an irritated expression. He wanted to go back to sleep already. Jimin chuckled at his expression.

"What are you laughing at?" Jimin shook his head at Taehyung's attempt at a challenge and the photographer in the car really wished his phone wasn't about to go belly up, since he liked how soft Jimin's bubble-gum pink hair looked in this lighting, especially with the contrast of his all light-blue outfit.

"I'm not laughing at anything Tae. You're just cute, is all." And the eldest so desperately wanted to agree, but he couldn't, not verbally. He still didn't want Tae to know his feelings at this point. Taehyung scowled.

"I'm not cute." The eldest shook his brown hair into his face to keep himself from saying anything. Yoongi though, who everyone thought was sleeping, spoke up from where he was sitting across from Jeongguk.

"That's debatable., especially since you were the youngest before we got Jeongguk." Jimin, Hoseok (who had come back in), and everyone else nodded, even Jeongguk, though he still didn't quite know what was going on. He wasn't paying attention. Tae rolled his eyes at the sleepy black-haired male, and the group of friends continued on like normal, Namjoon eventually joining them.

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