...Are Forever

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Taehyung felt broken. And cold. It was really cold in the utility shack off to the side of the pool. Taehyung stood up and shoved his numb, pink hands in his pockets after pulling his hood up. The water that he had rinsed them with had frozen them further. With a lowered head, Taehyung trudged out of the shack, shivering. He headed to the pool, going the stairs to walk to the center.

Years ago, the last time the boys had been there, Jeongguk and Jimin had dragged a mattress, found a few dozen yards away, into the pool, having been laughing and kicking Taehyung lightly every time he went to lay on it as they pulled.

"Hyung! Get off! You're heavy as shit." Taehyung scoffed at Jeongguk, but obeyed. For now.

"Just wait until we're done, Taehyung!" Jimin kicked Tae in the butt before he could duck out of the way. He let out a dramaticized cry.

"Chimchim! You wound me!" He clutched is heart.

"He kicked your butt, dumbass, not your heart." Yoongi have been observing the three youngest friends, sitting on the edge of the pool, in the only shaded part on that side, closest to the boys with the found mattress. Taehyung stuck his tongue out at the second oldest, and as he was paying attention to him, Jeongguk and Jimin tipped the mattress into the empty swimming pool, resulting in a loud THUMP resounding around the bubble surrounding the memory.

Taehyung blinked out of it as he usually did his memories, standing in front of the mattress. He laid down on it and covered his face with his arm, trying not to cry.

Taehyung had no right, not with what he had done. He didn't allow himself the luxury of crying.

"How long do you think it will take for him to notice?" Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were all situated around a TV in their hospital gowns. Yoongi's was a pastel orange, which he hated, Hoseok's a grey, and Jimin's a blue. They were all lightly colored and didn't stand out much against the room they were in together.

"I say he doesn't." Yoongi was sitting backwards on a chair, his voice flat. Hoseok gasped and smacked Yoongi's arm.

"Hyung! Taetae is smarter than that." He shook his head at what little faith Yoongi had in their last remaining friend.

"What do you think he'll do when he realizes?" Jimin looked up from where he was sitting on the floor, hugging a pillow, almost fearful for his younger friend. Hoseok bent down from where he was standing so that he could hug the boy that was close to shaking.

"I'm sure he won't do something dumb like we did, Jiminnie. I'm sure he'll know better than we did." Yoongi scoffed and Hoseok shot him a glare.

The afterlife hadn't really changed Yoongi very much. He was still kind of an asshole, but Jimin saw the glances that he gave the music room in their wing of the facility. He saw the looks of sadness and pure emotion that crossed his face whenever he saw teenagers, younger people than him, who were wearing gray or red or blue gowns as they wandered around trying to make friends - Yoongi was one of the few people who was wearing orange in their wing.

"You really think he would, hyung?" Jimin looked up to the grouchy man. Yoongi genuinely thought about the question.

"I think that, if he's smart enough to figure out what's up, he'll hold off, or try to, but then realize that he can probably join us." Jimin nodded and Hoseok's grip on him went slack. He had been surprised to hear Jimin agree.

A moment passed. Yoongi groaned. "When are visiting times again? I gotta go beat Namjoon's ass at foosball." Jimin chuckled and Hoseok grinned and stood up again. They were all anxious to see their friend again.

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