Everlasting Love

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James helped you dress into a white tank top, a flannel, black leggings, and a pair of combat boots. After you put on your makeup, you walked out of the bathroom and James was sitting on the bed. "Hey, babe. Are you ready?" 

"Yeah, I'm ready." You grabbed your phone and put it in your back pocket. Then James stood up and led you out of the room hand in hand. When you walked out of your room, a nurse led you to a conference room where there was press and paparazzi sitting down. You walked up to the podium and cameras started to flash crazily. You greeted everyone and then began to answer questions from the press.

"How did you get into the accident?" One press asked.

"Well, I was texting and I got t-boned by a truck. I'm not proud of me texting while driving since I've been told not to since I started driving. So, I've learned from that mistake and I hope my mistake will teach many of my fans and people in general to not text and drive. Trust me, it can wait." 

Many more questions were asked and then someone asked, "Do you regret getting pregnant?"

"I don't regret it at all. Yes, it was unplanned and I'm still young as well as my boyfriend. But I feel that we are ready and are blessed with a healthy baby. I think that's all the questions I'll be answering today, thank you." You were about to walk away from the stage when someone yelled.

"Wait!" You looked back at the crowd and James was walking towards you.

"James, what are you doing?" He stood next to you and held your hand.

"I have a question to ask you." He got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket. You covered your mouth with your free hand and was shocked.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Ever since I laid my eyes on you at your album release party 2 years ago, I fell in love. When you were in a coma, I didn't want to leave you or our baby. I didn't want to lose you. Now that you're awake, I have the chance to propose to you that I will never leave you, I will always love you, and I will always be there in your darkest hour. So, will you marry me?" James smiled and you nodded 'yes' while your eyes filled with happy tears. Camera flashes started to go off like the Fourth of July and you and James hugged and kissed. You couldn't believe it. The man of your dreams is going to be your husband.

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