Crazy Jit

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October 2017. Football season, is just in the swing of things. Dal and Deje are back in the swing of things, but they keep letting games slip away from them. It's disheartening, but before I rant about football. It's nice to see him out there playing the sport that he loves. It's amazing to see how his eyes light up when you talk about a football game to him. Now with college football, he keeps getting his feelings hurt because Mississippi State beat a sorry ass LSU, and now is getting whooped all over the place. Meanwhile my alma mater is undefeated...and I really wish people would stop trying to call out Alabama  (for real though, stop calling out Alabama) They trying it for real. But anywho, I've met Zekes girlfriend and she a nice person but to me she a little sneaky. I get this vibe that she's going to try something. That's why I don't tell her a all my business. But on the other hand I know everything her and Ezekiel be doing, cause she likes to tell everything every time. When he chokes her out in the bedroom, she comes to me telling me how good it feels to her. Too much information. Or when she got sick how Ezekiel cooked to make her feel better. She even tells me stuff she don't even tell Zeke. And such things I dare not repeat. Just know that this girl is OUT there and when I say she's out there, the out farther than Dallas is from New York. She goes out sad. And the fact that she tells me these things is some where between wow, and what the flying hell....that girl is crazy. Anyway, I was at the game, and halfway listening to Anastasia (Zekes girlfriend) ramble about a stripping pole, and paying attention to the game. When my phone goes off.
Tevin💸❤: hey sis,
Me: wassup
Tevin💸❤: u busy
Me: I'm at Daks game right now listening to this nutcase ramble about nothing
Tevin💸❤: better you than me
Me: she wild asf based off the stuff she tell  me.
Tevin💸❤: Zeke got one of them jits?
Me: boy you stupid, but yea, and she out there
Tevin💸❤: better watch Dak around her
Me: man I always do, cause if she try to touch Dak, I'm fighting that hoe
Tevin💸❤: tag her sis👀
Me: shit ion play about number 4 and she fails to get that. But I'll ttyl after the game
Tevin💸❤: aight
*Tevin is her brother by the way*
By the time I looked up from the phone it was 4th quarter and this girl was still talking my ear off. Man she done talked the entire game. No joke. I listened to her talk about being a stripper in Albany, until the clock hit triple zeros. As I waited for him this chick decides to say
"Good dame Dak, you played incredibly well" while being flirtatious. He for once looked clueless, and glanced over at Zeke whom did not pick up what his girlfriend was putting down. This is that vibe that I was getting.
"Anasta...whatever your name is, don't flirt with my man, you don't want these problems. I promise you, that you don't"
She looked at me and gasped and got flustered before I did my hands in a motion that means go away. (You know what I'm talking about). I looked at Zeke and say "Find you another girl, that one is out there"
And apparently I became the laugh of the nught, but I was dead was serious. That jit is crazy and and out there, I mean is she mental or something, cause she acts like she just don't know the rules about being in public. I tell it like I see, it. I went home and waited for Dak when this crazy ass woman dms me.
Luh_Stasia: bitch, your man is my man we share a man.
XKarysma_RoseX: bitch you have lost your damn mind, my man is exactly how you read it....MINE...not yours not ours...MINE. Go find somebody else to fuck. Please and thank you
Luh_Stasia: I will fight you for him
XKarysma_RoseX: pull up and get stuck.
I swear to God I'm going to end up fighting her. Vibes don't lie. And I felt it from the start. She a man stealing, thotting ass bitch. But she done got the right one though.
Dak comes home all clean and everything, and I'm Latin on the bed and scrolling on my phone, I'm a silk robe. He wraps his arms around my torso, and but his big ass head in the crook of my neck. I showed him the sms between me and Ana....whatever the hell her name is, and he shook his head and laughed. He out his pajamas on and laid right next to me. Pulling me close. He kisses me before I put my head in his chest and began to wind down.

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