Catching Up

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Its been about a month since that crazy girl and I's situation. We did end up fighting, and lets keep it a short story, I beat the hell out of her. Her and Zeke broke up, she moved back to New York, and the last I've heard of her was that she's back on the pole stripping. Not that I care, but she's out of my business and out of my relationship so she can mind hers now, and stop trying to steal people's men. Little ugly thot, couldn't find herself a man that was as good a Zeke who saw her differently than most folks, but she decided that Dak was hers for the taking. And I stepped in with the HELL NO and butted her out of my relationship. Anyways, moving on to bigger and better things, Dak and I are doing very well, minimal arguments, and lots of cuddling, and movies, and of course football. Even though the Cowboys are having a down year, he's still just as excited to get out there and play. But he's not what he was when he had Zeke, and I can see that, since Zeke has been suspended, the Cowboys have been on a downwards spiral, and everybody decides that they want to blame Dak. This is not Dak's fault. He has a luxury with Zeke, and without Zeke, the whole team is starting to get exposed for who they really are. And thats just it. Sean Lee is hurt, and the secondary still sucks, so I don't know why they blame everything on Dak. Dak does not play on both sides of the ball, and it is not fair to him as a person for him to have to suffer at the hands of ruthless and dumb fans who know almost nothing about Dak and his work ethic. When football season in over I'm going to Italy for modeling, and I am pretty sure he is coming with me. Nice break from the game. For both me and him. Its easy to say that I have no direct correlation to what's happening in the football world. Mind you this, The start QB comes home to me and is very unhappy, could've had one of the best performances ever, but if they lose and its not his fault, he's hard on himself. So yes It does effect me, in a lot of ways people may fail to realize. While he's sleep, I do look on twitter and find some of his critics, and make them shut the hell Stephen A Smith...

like Stephen A Smith

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So sick of that biased ass man

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So sick of that biased ass man. I'm pretty sure that my tweets are making headlines, and personally I really don't care because He came for my man, and I am not having it. The QB should not take all the blame, especially for a sorry ass, pathetic ass defense. That's once again, not damn fair. And who is Stephen A, to even critique, what they need to critique, is Stephen A's mustache, and whoever let him walk outside the house like that. Meanwhile, Dak is over here snoring, and out like a little baby. He's so adorable, and I get out of bed, to calm my little mad ass down, with some ice cream, with hot fudge. I take my little midnight snack back up to the room, when I see Dak, just wide awake. Guess he noticed that I was gone-

"You do know you are sharing right?"

"Yup, sure do"

And the rest of the night, we ate sundae's and talked about football, and life, and watched television, until we went to sleep.

A/N You guys, I'm so sorry I've neglected this book, this is all that I could come up with, so sorry its so short, I will have more chapters later...with drama and plot twists...hehe. I've just been caught up like lord knows what. Junior year, and I have dues, and SAT's and ACT's and prom and all this good stuff to worry about....sheesh. But anyways, more updates soon.

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