chapter 1: capture

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 (avreall,s pov) i was working in my forge on a axe when suddenly some humans with a net and what looked like a gun came smashing in. one of them shot me and i realized it was a tranquilizer dart. i started kicking with my horse legs and breathing fire before i passed out. ( 10 hours later)

 I woke up in a cage with some water and hay .then i realized there were people watching me and taking pictures  then a guy opened the door to my cage and closed it behind him.

 "Hey girl I'm just going to put this bridle' on you  put  you outside' your cage and take you for a walk around here ok?"

 He said this as if i was a child. which pissed me off i buked a little as he got closer then suddenly he jumped on my back and put the bridle around my head and the bit in my mouth he then got off my back.

 "See that wasn't so bad now was it ?"

 "Uh yes it was" i said the guy looked a bit surprised that i could talk. 

" Woah  you can talk !?"

 "Of coarse i can you idiot ". 

"But you're a centaur "

 "Actually my mom was a centaur my dad was a dragon person. thats why i can breathe fire." 

"Ohh kaaayyy

 But I'm still going to have to take you for a walk around the stage because were auctioning you and couple other monsters off "

said jake.

 "Hey! we are NOT "monsters"!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I yelled at the guy.

"Woah ok ok you guys are not monsters now can you PLESE come with me"

 "Fine." i said

  " Btw I'm jake"  Ok i said then he took me onstage   

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