chapter 3 rideing lessons

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I woke up with avra curled up around me 

"Morning avreall  ready for your first day of riding lessons ?"

"Yep" i said,  i  got off the bed. it  was surprisingly low i guess it was because anacondrai had tails not legs. avra walked me outside and into a pen. 

"You're going to have to wear this" 

She said she had pulled out a saddle and started attaching it to my back 

There you go. "hey pythor! time for riding lessons" 

A young anacondrai i guess was pythor,  slithered over

"Hi avra is this is the centaur i'll be riding? "


She said 

"Pythor this is avreall  avreall  this is pythor" 

"Why do you have wings?" 

Asked pythor 

"its because I'm half dragon person" 


"Ok  its good you two are getting along  because  pythors going to ride you" 

Avra helped pythor up onto my back 

"Ok pythor now you need to hold onto avrealls back or use a bridle to hang on" 

Avra took a bridle out of the box she then gently  put it around my head and the bit in my mouth pythor held on to the reins 

"Now were going to practice troting. avreall be gentle ok?"

"Ok" i said i started at a slow pace pythor was surprisingly heavy  but not to  heavy  then i got a bit faster and soon i was at a gallop 

"Whooo hoooo!!! "

Squealed pythor  (12 hours later) 

"Looks like you two had fun "

Said avra 

"Yep me and avreall are gonna be best friends"                                                                                                                          

"Thats wonderful i so glad your friends now its also good because you and avreall are gonna be partners until  one of you dies"

"WELL that was comforting" i said  

"Don't worry avreall I'm NEVER going to abandon you"

"thanks buddy" i said 

(12 years later )   

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