chapter 5: reunion

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i woke to the sound of python crying.  when i opened my eyes there were two  serpentine  generals  trying to take him away. "HEY get away from him !!!" I smacked them both at the same time and picked python up on to my back. then  I pinned them to the ground  "Now that you're here why did you try to take my friends son away?" 

"We got orders from pythor to get the eggs and hatchlings from the anacondrai nursery. we didn't think that there would be any though."  said the green one 

"Wait. did you say pythor?" I said 

"Yes, said the brown one. "we got orders from him"     

"Take me and python to him right now!" 

(time skip) 

the serpentine h.q. was big. and in the middle of it was pythor  I ran up to him and tackled him.

"Avreall !? I  haven't seen you in years where were you?!!!!!" 

"The master of fire nearly killed me. then I found your kid and I named him python and he ate a mouse alive! and he  swallowed a dead rat! "     

"My kid?" asked pythor. " Yeah!" I picked python off my back and showed him 

"He looks just like his mother, he took python out of my hands and held him in his arms. ,hello darling you probably don't remember me since you were  still in an egg  but I'm your daddy sorry your uncles gave you a scare-" 

"Hey they gave me a scare too! I thought he was gonna get sold to chen !!"   

I said 

"Hey how was I supposed to know that my generals even looked in the huts "

then a serpentine came up to us

 "Pythor we're ready to go are you coming ?"

 "No snike I'm going to stay here and visit  with my baby and my best friend."

Said pythor 

"So avreall what have I've  missed  so  far.  and was there any other eggs in the nursery?" 

"Yes  there were eggs in five nests " 

I said. 

pythor grabbed a serpantine and told him to go to the anacondrai villages nursery and bring the eggs here. 

(time skip cus I'm bored )

"Hey avreall I ges since I'm the only adult anacondrai left and I'm taking care of them that means there going to all wind up calling me daddy "

said pythor 

" And I can't believe were only one fang blade to go. I'll raise my son in the ashes of ninjago city once I free the great devourer. and there won't be any humens left to threaten me and my son." 

"And the other eggs right also before you free the "great  devourer" I want my revenge against the master of fire. wether its the new one or the same one. cus I was thinking I could sneak in onto there ship and take them on all at the same time!!"

I said. 

"My I never thought that you'd be so wanting of revenge." 

"Well you know what they say "revenge is dish best served cold." and I've been wanting to give the master of fire a taste of his own medicine. "

I said 

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