CHAPTER 1: "Making a New Friend"

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Silvers PART:

I'd Wake Up Get Take a Shower Brush my Teeth put on clothes and Walk To My School Orange Star High.

When I Get To My First Class Everyone put me next to the new Kid Named Ryan.

"hi I'm Ryan But u can Call Me Ry" he'd say

" I'm Silver" I'd say"

1 hour later

the Bell had Rang Me and Ry Walked To Our Lockers.

A kid with a blue t-shirt Walks Towards me grabs me by the Collar.

"oh yes I can't wait to Kick Your Ass In The Tournament Today"
I'd spit on his shoe and say

"Heh You Wish" The Bully Started Talking but Ry Cut him Off

"Why I Otta"-Ry Swept The Bully of his feet and made him fall.

I'd turn to ry And Say

"Well You Didn't Have To do That and Also HOW DID YOU DO THAT"

Ry Chuckled And said "So your Going to The Tournament also Eh"

I'd Nod and Say

"Yes Well That's Our Next Class Cya There"

(Hope U Enjoyed Chapter 1 Don't Worry This is Not the end Stay TOONED I've always wanted to say that ;-;)

(future edited)

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