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he's been on my mind all day. i literally can't stop thinking about him.

why? i don't know? but i've never felt this strongly about a boy before.

i don't even know what i feel. its so weird, i get this feeling in my stomach and i just feel like throwing up every time i catch a glimpse of him. noah's been staring me down, and i realise just how much i've been looking over at finn. 

i can't help it. he's really good-looking with the curly messy hair his big brown eyes hide behind, and his band shirts, and a sea of freckles, and, and,

i have to stop.

if i date him, he'll ruin my reputation. i don't even think i like him.

i hang out with the cool crowd. if i blow it by dating a kid like finn, they'll never let me be cool again. it's not like i'm super passionate about dating him anyway. he's not that great.


he's there again. history class. sitting in the seat in front of me.

literally so close that i can smell him. for your information, i didn't try to smell him. the desks are just really close together. but he smells like peppermint and body spray.

romeo catches me staring at the back of his head, and passes me a note.

what's going on between you two? you do realise he's a dork and you have a rep? it says.

i write back to him denying everything, but he doesn't quite seem satisfied with my response. what does he want me to do? does he want me to admit that i might like finn wolfhard, the nerd? 

not gonna happen.

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