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math class. third period.

gaten and i look for a good place to sit, away from romeo.

we both see the two seats behind noah and finn and exchange a glance.

gaten sits down behind finn, and i follow suit, sitting behind noah.

noah turns around to look at us. 'popular kids, sitting in the front?' 

finn seems to not have noticed us sitting down, and he swivels around to look at us. 'it's a christmas miracle,' he says, grinning.

its the first time i've seen him smile, really. he has a nice smile. 

gaten nods, briefly explaining what happened with sadie.

'holy shit, really? i always knew he was a dick, but not that much of a dick!' noah whispers.

i nod. 'i don't know how i didn't see it before.'

'he has fuckboy hair. everyone falls for it,' finn says.

'do you?' gaten says, laughing.

'what do you think? i'm sitting at the front.'

'yet here i am,' i say, sighing.

'do you like him?' noah asks.

'they've had this ongoing tease for ages,' gaten cuts in.

i shake my head. 'it ends now.'


i had a surprisingly educational day not sitting at the back. i actually answered a few questions and my teachers were shocked, to say the least.

i had sadie in a couple of my classes, and they're a really nice person. sadie helped me organise my folders and gave me a pencil in science.

finn seemed to be a funny guy and didn't talk about himself very much. i'm not really catching any hints of his sexuality, but he seems either straight or bi.

i sat with sadie and noah on the bus home today, because gaten had soccer practice. they're both really great people to carry a conversation with, and they don't talk about boring things like basketball scores and who's dating who. instead we talked about what it feels like to be lgbt+ and the stupid social hierarchy at school.

i almost wanted to miss my stop and talk to them for hours on end.

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