Chapter 22

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Rao threw the file on his desk. "Sir, what happen?" Rao picked the file and offered to inspector.

"see this first." Inspector open the file and started reading. Is hands started shivering. "This Radhika. Two names for one person."

"Not just two names but two identity and two life."

"This puzzle is getting more and more complicated."

"Arjun and Neil are business partner. So Neil must have met Radhika. It's time to visit Mehra house." He got up from his chair. Rao and Inspector drive to Mehra. Mary welcome him inside.

"Sir and madam are in their room. Please come inside I will call them in a moment." Rao nodded his head and sat on sofa. Mary went upstairs. She knocks the library door.

"Sir, ACP Rao is waiting downstairs. He has called you and ma'am"

"Yes sure, I will bring her down." He replied Mary. After some time they came down.

"Can you tell me about the accident which happen 5 years ago?"

"I don't remember anything." Radhu got scared. Her hands started shivering. Her heart beat were increasing. She tried to remember. Arjun kept his hand over her hand. He tried to calm her.

"She can't tell you anything." Arjun replied to Rao.

"What do you mean?" Inspector asked him

"Radhika is suffering from retrograde amnesia. Wait let me show you report." Arjun got up and went upstairs. He went in his library and removed Radhika's file from drawer. He came down and hand it to Rao. He sign her to read that file.

"I am treating her from last 5 years. She is suffering from retrograde amnesia." Arjun repeat them.

"What is retrograde amnesia?" Inspector asked Rao.

"Memory loss." Rao replied him.

"Right sir, memory loss but shortly before the accident. It means the person is not capable of retrieve the information before accident. A person can loss his memory of few days or few months." Arjun explain them about her condition.

"In Radhika's case she had forget about last 2 days of accident. Doctor said if we try she can remember everything. She can retrieve her memory but the problem is she was out of town for 2 days. She was coming from Pune when I got to know about the accident. So even I don't know what exactly she did in that 2 days. Everything changed after that accident. Radhu went into depression. She used to wake up screaming that someone is behind her. To save her from someone. Doctor said she need a change in her environment to forget her bad dreams. I was starting my new business in USA so I thought to get shifted in USA." Arjun reveal everything to him.

"How do you know Neil Singhania?" Arjun asked him.

"Neil is my business partner in cancer project. 3 months ago I got to know about Neil's idea of opening the cancer hospital for poor people. I liked his proposal and I agreed to him." Arjun replied to him.

Rao tried to notice Arjun's behavior but he was normally replying to his questions.

"Sir, when we went to Neil's house for dinner. You won't believe what happen?" Radhu tried to tell him.

"What happen?" Inspector asked him.

"Neil's Grand mom brought me to her room and showed me Amaya's photo. I was shocked to see that..."

"She is your lookalike." Rao complete her sentence.

"How do you know?" He smiled and showed her the file.

"Sir, I still don't believe that Amaya looks exactly like Radhika. I mean how this can be possible." Arjun tried to convince Rao.

"Don't worry. Thank you for co-operating." Rao left from the house. Rao sat in his car. He started the car.

"Sir, I am totally confused now. I feel like some movie story is going on. Twin sister came back for her revenge."

"There are still many missing pieces in this story. Let's have a tea. My throat is getting dry." Inspector looked at him pulsed. Rao smiled at him. And stop his car near Singhania house.

"Let's have a 5 star tea." Rao smiled at Inspector.


He entered the room and closed the door from behind. She stop the swing chair and got up from it. "My sources inform me that ACP Rao is trying to find out Radhika's attack."

"How much does he know?"

"Amaya and Radhika looks similar. He is trying to find the culprit of accident that happen 5 years ago." She picked the wine glass and took a sip from it.

"You are so calm." He wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Do you know what will happen if she remember everything? We have to do something." He tried explain her.

"No, plan will go as we have decided." she said him with full confidence.

"You are not getting that ACP Rao can reach us." He tried to explain her.

She smiled evilly and took a sip from her wine glass. He looked at her.

"What's going on in your mind?" He asked her.

"I want ACP Rao to reveal this mystery." She said him.

"What?" he looked shocked at him.

"I want him to search who are attacking Radhika. Once he started investigating he will know about Neil's truth then Arjun. I will make him realize that Neil had done this. He will investigate exactly what I want."

"But..." she raised her hand and stop him.

"Just do what I say." She said and asked him to leave from there. 

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