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Serenity's POV:

"So honey, how was your day?" My dad asked, slurping up the spaghetti that was resting on the spoon. I continued to poke at my food while simply answering with a shrug, "Same old" I mumble and my mum looks up from her plate and frowns. "Honey, why aren't you eating?" I look up at my mothers concerned eyes and give her a small smile. "I'm not that hungry. I ate after I came home from the gym" I tell her truthfully, and she nods her head understandingly, continuing to eat her food. "Just put in the microwave for later love just in case you get hungry" my dad tells me, after I excuse myself from the table and I place my bowl in the microwave. Truth was I actually was hungry. Starving even. But fro some reason I couldn't bring myself to eat. Ever since the incident at the gym, all I have on my mind is the mysterious Hades Apollo. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't rip him out of my thoughts. He was suck like glue in my brain.

"Goodnight mum, goodnight dad!" I call downstairs, and in unison they call back a 'goodnight sweetie'.

Trudging into my room I throw off my clothes and put on some comfortable PJ's. Laying down in my bed I face my window and stare down at Arrows driveway. And the first thing that comes into sight is Hades sleek black BMW. Wasn't he leaning on a different bike yesterday?                       I screw my eyes shut and groan. Hades is like a nightmare thats always around the corner to haunt me. No matter how hard I try to get away from him, he's always there. Waiting for the right moment to pop out and scare me. Or at least thats how it seems.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and release a sigh. "Just relax Serenity. Think of puppies and fucking rainbows" I say to myself, sinking deeper into my sheets. Just as I was relaxed and ready to fall asleep, the revving of a certain BMW occurred next door, causing me to spring up in my bed, and rush to my window. Like I had predicted, Hades was sitting on his bike upright, holding his helmet in his hands. Like a perfect model about to do a photoshoot. And the company would find his shoot the finest they've had in their history.

Just as I was about to creep back to my bed, Hades eyes connected to mine and my breath got caught in my throat. As if he could sense the affect he had on me from where he was, he sent me his signature sinister smirk. Even with a bonus bundle wink, and I felt my knees turn to jelly from under me. Then I did something that no one could prepare me for. Something  couldn't prepare myself for. I smiled back....


"Hey shorty! Jump in, I'll give you a ride!" Arrow called to me from the left lane of the road and I laughed at his eagerness, and shrugged. Its couldn't hurt. Could it?

Quickly walking to the side of the road and checking for any incoming cars, seeing none, I quickly ran across the road and jumped into the car. The door was already being conveniently open. All of a sudden, a beeping of a car being held up behind us was heard and Arrow growled angrily. Unwinding the window, he stuck his arm out the window and flicked them off as I gasped. "Go fuck your mum!" He yells with poison in his voice and speeds of, sending my head back against the headrest without warning.

Once we were two blocks away from the other driveway and two minutes away from the sudden road rage. Arrow pulled over on the side of the road and put his car into park. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and released a sigh. "My anger issues get the best of me. Sorry sweetheart" He murmured and I smiled softy placing my hand on his arm. "Eh, it's not the worst I've seen" I laugh, and he opens a single eye and looks at me with it, before breaking into a heart warming laugh. "Thanks sweetie that means a lot to me" he says, sending me a flirty wink and my stomach begins to fill with butterfly. For a first. The first time in my life, could I say I had made a friend? "Hey Arrow?" I ask meekly and he turns his head to face me. "Yeah?" He ask now paying full attention to me, his features beginning to soften.

"Are we friends?" I ask before I could stop myself and he displayed a genuine happy smile. "Of course we are. If we weren't you wouldn't be in my car right now would you?" he plays around with me and I giggle, looking down  into my fiddling fingers. "True. I've never had a friend before" I say excitedly and he shrugs, not seeming fazed or surprised. Exactly how I wanted him to act. "I've only ever had two friends my whole life princess. I guess your number three" he says happily and I smile brightly but then it fades away form my face. "What about those guys you talk to sometimes. Are they your friends?" I ask tilting my head to the side slightly and he grins, his expression screaming. 'Are you for real?'

"Of course they aren't my friends honey. I wouldn't trust them with a single hair on my head" I smile as he laughs. We were still sitting in his car on the side of the road. And now the car was filled with silence. It wasn't odd silence. It was rather peaceful and comfortable. Why did Arrow seem so caring, laid back and heartfelt when he is best friends with a complete and utter asshole, heartless and inconsiderate? It makes no sense. "Hey Arrow?" I say breaking the silence and he hums, making me continue. "How long have you know Hades?" I ask and he looks at me, and starts to laugh, shaking his head and sighs aloud.

"Jesus, I've known that dude since the day he came out his mum" He smiles at the memory and it slowly fades on his face, making me frown. "So your older then him?" I ask trying to change the subject and the nods his head. "Yeah I'm older, by a few days actually. Our mums were really good friends. Thats how we knew each other I guess" He explains with a shrug and Rogue then comes to mind. "When did you meet Rogue?" He looks at me with a smile that looks like he was about to laugh and then he looks ahead out the windshield.

"That little fucker is dating my sister Maddie. I guess we met when we were all around five and Maddie was two years old. We were all at the park, and me and Hades were having some lunch while we watched Maddie play down the slide. Our mums told us to take care of her while they went to get ice cream from the parlour down the street. Before we could do anything, Maddie was being pushed around by some older boy who was probably six or seven. Then out of no where Rogue came and pushed the kid away from Maddie and then he carried her over to us. And since then we've been no less then brothers. The three of us" He looks at the steering wheel in thought and I awe at his story. "Thats so cute" I whisper and he shrugs.

"I remember one day when we were about eight, we were making plans to go to court and make us all brothers by law. We even talked to our parents about it. Not even close" he murmurs and I laugh. "Yep, thats the most cutest story I've ever been told" I pronounce and he chuckles.

I don't understand why and how Hades could be so cold hearted after the perfect childhood it sounded like he had. Something must have happened to turn him the way he is....

Before another word could be said, Arrows phone rang, making the console vibrate and he quickly picked up his phone and answered the phone without looking at the caller ID. As if he knew who was calling. "Yeah brother" he says and he pauses before rubbing his eyes in annoyance and groans. "Fucking again?" He says annoyed and I gulp harshly. "Yeah I'll be there soon" He says hanging up and throwing his phone back into the console.

"Who was that?" I whisper, and he starts his car, the engine purring to life.

"It was Hades. His BMW broke down again. It's a fucking shit-box but he wont let it go since it was his old mans" He explains keeping his eyes glued to the road. 

"So what now?" I ask and he looks at me for a split second, a sly grin on his face. "Well I gotta give the idiot a lift don't I?" He smirks and I go three shades paler. Lord take me now....


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