Chapter 1: First Days

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"Here it is!"

Yuno gestured to her home as the other three followed behind, Miku eyeing the abode in awe.

"Your house is so nice!"

Yuno giggled in response.

"That's high praise coming from an idol like you!"

This caused Miku to blush immensely.

"I'm not that big..."

Ayano and BRS just watched the conversation with mild interest. Mostly, they were eyeing each other with distrust. BRS knew there was something... off... about her, like her entire front was a facade to hide something darker.

Meanwhile, Ayano knew there was something... dangerous... about BRS, like she was trying to control a deadly power; it was almost as if anything could set her off and cause a massacre.

Of course, gut feelings were little more than just that. Neither girl could justify why they distrusted the other.

But their new friends were too busy conversing with each other to notice their death-glare match; they were just happily skipping away into the house. Soon, the four made it to the spare bedroom that BRS and Miku would share. Thankfully, there were two beds, so they didn't have to worry about any awkward feelings. At least, Miku didn't have to. Like before, she wasn't too sure how her new friend felt about the situation. She couldn't really tell what she was thinking; she always had a blank expression on her face.

The two quickly got settled -- seeing as they didn't have much stuff at all -- and sat on their respective beds in silence. It wasn't long until Miku became bored and began humming a tune quietly, something she often did when she wasn't doing anything. The tune was familiar to BRS's ears, and it caused her to look up at the singing girl in curiosity.

"You sing?"

The sudden noise startled Miku out of her melodic trance and caused her to look up at her new friend.


She couldn't have heard that right. BRS was near silent all the time. It was really rare, if not impossible for her to start the conversation, so why would she now, of all times?

But she nodded, waiting for an answer. Miku hummed thoughtfully. So she wasn't going crazy and she did hear that correctly. Realizing she was still caught in a daze and hadn't given an answer yet, she shook away the thoughts and smiled bashfully.

"Yeah. It's my job. Though, I don't think I'm very good..."

BRS just shrugged it off.

"You sound fine to me."

Her response made the idol blush and look down and mutter a quiet thanks in response.

Unfortunately for her, that's where the conversation ended, leaving an uncomfortable silence one again. This one was more intense than the last, and it made Miku fidget in her seat, nervously rubbing her hands together. She tried desperately to find something to talk about, just one word to break the silence. Anything!

"Hey, you two!"

Miku jumped about a foot in the air while BRS just faced the direction the shout just came from, eyes alert and wary.

It took a second for the former to realize who just shouted; It was just Yuno, in her usual happy and peppy voice. Heart still racing a million beats per minute, the idol let out a huge breath and addressed the door.

"Y-yes? What is it?"

"Dinner's ready! Come on!"

Relieved the uncomfortable silence was gone, Miku sprang up and happily skipped through the hallway and down to the dining room, her silent friend following a moment after.

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