Chapter 2: Interrogation

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3rd POV:

Miku slowly awoke with someone shaking her gently. She groaned as she opened an eye, barely having the energy to look up at whoever was interrupting her sleep. 

"...What...?" She muttered, annoyance drowning her tone. "It's nearly 9:00, Miku." A quiet voice answered -- seemingly unperturbed by her blatant irritation -- and the idol was barely able to link it to BRS in her sleep-deprived stupor. She grumbled again, fighting the urge to turn away from her new friend. "It's... 9:00...?" She managed to echo, mustering the will to open both eyes. The silent girl nodded. "Yes, and both Gasai and Aishi are already in the kitchen, waiting for you and our captive to wake up."

Those words snatched whatever morning fatigue Miku had left and threw it out the window; her eyes shot open (after an attempt to go back to sleep) and she sprang out of bed, causing the covers to fly in her friend's direction. If not for the warrior's quick reflexes, she would've been overtaken by the large opponent and gotten tangled up in it -- she batted it away with ease as she watched the teenager stumble into the closet and shuffle into a new outfit. 

She floundered out the closet door to the nearby mirror afterward, assessing herself to make sure her outfit was complete. She donned a black undershirt, a plaid skirt, striped stockings, and a white jacket. It was acceptable, at least for now; satisfied, she turned on her heel and skipped through the door, not even noticing that her silent friend was still in the room and that she followed her out soon after. They arrived in the kitchen to find Yuno and Ayano staring at the still-unconscious assailant from the night prior, both in brand new outfits.  

Miku stared in awe;  the rosy-eyed teenager was clad in a white blouse with a black undershirt and a blue skirt, while the smoky-eyed teenager wore a green shirt with a blue, ruffled skirt and grey stockings. They both looked beautiful, in her opinion, and she would be lying if she said it didn't make her the slightest bit self-conscious and envious. 

She was cut off from her thoughts when Yuno cleared her throat. She blinked to find her new friend staring at her with an expression of warmth and welcome. "Looks like you're finally up." She smiled with a cheeky tone.

She let out an uneasy chuckle, embarrassment flooding her cheeks. "Yeah..." she replied before leaning over and looking at the mysterious woman who was still a statue. Then, she looked back at her friend with seriousness and concern. "So, she hasn't shown any signs of waking up so far?" 

Yuno's eyes darkened a bit as she shook her head with a scowl. "Nope..." She answered in an exasperated voice, looking back at the violet-haired captive. "We can't tell if it's an act to give us a false sense of security or if Ayano did more damage than we originally thought." The thought sent a chill down the cyan-eyed girl's spine, and she couldn't help but spare another glance at the mysterious woman. There was some dried blood coating the top of her head and her shoulders were heavily slumped. They were still rising and falling in a steady motion but, honestly, Miku  didn't know if she was relieved or worried that they didn't kill her. 

"We don't know when she might wake up." Ayano suddenly joined in, her voice as low and quiet as ever. "So, I volunteered to watch over her until she moves." Her rosy-eyed friend nodded in response, then turned back to the teal-haired girl with another smile. "In that case, I'm gonna get get started on breakfast." She chirped, already walking toward the sink and began pulling down ingredients and cooking utensils. "Do you need any help?" Miku cut in with a voice that was just a little too hopeful. "Um..." she stammered, not expecting her guest to offer help so suddenly (or urgently, for that matter), before composing herself and smiling nervously. "I can handle it, don't worry." 

Miku flinched, not expecting such a blatant rejection. "Oh, okay..." She replied in a shaky voice, unconsciously inching toward BRS for some comfort. Yuno went back to what she was doing and was about to reach for another bowl when they all heard Ayano suddenly scream out in pain. They all whirled around to find the poor raven-haired schoolgirl doubled over and gripping her stomach, while the mysterious assailant was wide awake, livid eyes as wide as saucers. Her head swiveled side to side in rapid fashion, seemingly looking for some type of escape. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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