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The door was tall, taller than twice the size of Garroth, with a golden doorknob and a smooth, dark oak finish. To many, it was just a fancy door. But to Garroth...

It was his future significant other.

He walked towards the door gaping in awe at the beauty that was before him. Never once in his life had he seen a door so wonderful, so amazing, so utterly magnificent. Each step he took, he grew more and more fond of this door. All of a sudden, he stopped walking. Someone was about to open the door to come into the room. This mysterious person turned the knob slowly.

There was the beautiful sound Garroth had been waiting for. The door opened with a low creak, and shut with a big whoosh of soft, quiet air. Garroth fell to his knees internally screaming, he was so incredibly happy.

{A/N: I frikin hate myself, you don't even know how much I despise myself at this very moment in time.}

Garroth stood up quickly and skipped to the door, bumping into it and embracing it lovingly. He shoved his head against the door and inhaled heavily, smelling the artificial brown paint and newly shaped wood.

"You smell like my next love interest."

kill me

Sighing, Garroth backed away from the door and narrowed his eyes at it. He positioned himself to sprint and breathed in and out three times. He pushed up and ran at top speed.

He knew what he had to do.

why are you still reading this

Time seemed to go in slow motion as Garroth pumped his arms in and out, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. When the door came withing feet of him, he leaped up and extended his entire body, knocking himself down and taking the door with him.

They hit the ground with a loud thud, and Garroth weezed as he felt air leaving his lungs. He laid down catching his breath. Then, he kissed the door. Many times.



i wanna die

Garroth smiled, relieved that he got to be with his love at long last. And thus, a loving fairy tale was born. And it was,




{A/N: Why did you read this I'm questioning my existence.}

So aDOORable [Garroth × Door]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora