Chapter 4

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The next morning the gang woke up from their alarm clocks. They all obviously had a restless night. Gromit even had circles around his eyes, but he knew he had a job to do. 

Kali, the twins, and the chickens went out with Gromit for the day to help him with the bread deliveries. There was the acceptation of the chicks eating some of the bread from time to time in the process. The week was already half way over, and Kali and Gromit weren't happy about it. 

The gang started talking in the van during the delivery run about how annoying and strange they thought Piella was. 

"Okay everyone, there's no need to criticize" Ginger tried to calm everyone down a bit. 

"Well I am criticizing. How come every time that fruitcake comes over Wallace is always spending more and more time with her than us?" Bunty asked with her wings folded, being a little upset.

"Indeed, there's something peculiar about that woman" Fowler added. 

"What do you think that is, Grandpa?" The chicks asked the elderly rooster.

"I'm not sure, young ones" he replied. 

"Perhaps it has something to do with holiday" Babs said. 

"I swear, you are this close-" Bunty threatened the clueless little stout hen to shut up about always mentioning holiday, or else she was gonna pound her. 

"Why do you always have to be so violent?" Mac argued with Bunty. 

"Okay that's enough, all of you!" Ginger got in between Bunty, Babs, and Mac to break up a potential fight. 

"Yeah, nobody likes a squabble in the back of a bread delivery van" Rocky added. The three hens then calmed down before glaring at each other. 

The gang soon came back home after their delivery run for the day. As Gromit pulled into the driveway they all noticed that the trashcans were full of stuff. 

"Gromit, isn't that your stuff?" Ann asked. "It is" The mute beagle replied. 

"Something's up" Kali said with suspicion, and Ginger looked to her with the same feeling. 

The group came in through the backdoor into the house. Gromit and Kali were about to put their coats up on the rack, but surprisingly their spots were taken up by Piella's jacket. As they started to back up away from the coat rack, the eleven-year-old and silent beagle slipped into a row of high-heels which surprised them and the gang also. Causing for Kali to slip and almost fall on the chickens as they scattered. Instead, Kali bumped into a small table, causing the flowerpot on top of it to fall and almost break, but Mac caught it. 

"Made some changes, doesn't it my fudgecake? Gromit, Kali, and the others are gonna love this" the group heard Wallace's voice coming from in the dining room. 

Gromit and the others hesitated at first as they slowly came into the dining room. 

"Well I thought you could do with a woman's touch around the house. You naughty slobbery boys" Piella teased Wallace with a playfully smile, as Gromit and the rest of the gang were by the doorway. 

They were shocked that Piella gave the entire house a woman's touch, decorating the place with flowers and everything. 

"Well I never!" Fowler remarked. 

"What's going on here?" Kali asked, looking at Wallace, seemingly already upset. 

"What do you think guys?" Wallace asked the group about Piella's changes to the house "You wouldn't even know it was our place would you lads"

Ginger and Rocky meet Wallace and GromitWhere stories live. Discover now