Reading Between The Lyrics - Chp 18 {You}

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'Is this real? Could this be true? Has everything I've ever wanted been right here? Awaken me to a beautiful disarray. Blistering kisses and lingering traces. The sunrises' hue opens my eyes, could it be true? Is everything I've ever needed been in you?' – Riley May – You

“If you pace even with one step in that hallway I’m going to have to slap you silly!” dad hollered from the kitchen.

I grimaced faintly, my stomach churning and feeling queasy as I said nothing. I don’t think was even capable of speaking I was utterly that nervous for our date tonight. My stomach churned tighter, coiling deep within as I quickly lit my phone up again to check the time. I fought back a groan as I realized I still had over twenty minutes left ‘till six o’clock.

Why had I gotten ready so early?

I totally ignored the fact that all this pacing probably wasn’t the best thing for me to be doing having spent the majority of the day scrubbing and cleaning myself ‘till spotless. I think I was even shining I had scrubbed that hard.

“Kiddo stop pacing and tell me if this taste alright!” dad hollered from the kitchen again as he tried making dinner on his own for once. I didn’t understand why he was putting in so much effort, he usually just called for takeaway or something he could easily and simply just throw in the microwave and zap.

I sighed heavily as I chewed on my lower lip “Are you sure you’ll be alright tonight dad?” I asked nervously, tugging the spoon out of his hand as I peered over at the Bolognese sauce I was making from scratch.

Dad snorted “Bub it’s not the first time I’ve been home alone, geesh.” He chuckled “I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine; we’re all going to be fine.” He soothed me.

I nodded saying nothing as I continued to stir the sauce in as I peered over in it and I honestly couldn’t help but feel proud of my dad from starting this all from scratch and without any book or help. I felt like a proud mum, which was kind of messed up since I was the daughter here but I guess that’s our relationship.

Arms wrapped around my waist as they drew our two bodies together ‘till there was no telling where I started and they began. I smiled softly instantly knowing as they nuzzled into the crevice of my neck “Does it come across desperate that I’m twenty minutes early?” he murmured roughly, tickling the back of my ear.

I giggled softly turning in his arms as the sauce was forgotten as I looped my arms up and around his neck “No, it just means you missed me.” I whispered with a beaming smile.

Chad’s eyes danced “I didn’t think I could wait another second out in that car ‘till six.” He murmured lowly, tugging me even closer as he lowered his head.

Dad’s heavy footsteps coming towards us had the both of us pulling apart hastily as I flung myself back around to the stove and hastily began stirring again, my cheeks burning a guilty scarlet red. Chad chuckled softly under his breath as he wrapped his arms back around me, peering over my shoulder as I was still feeling breathless. Everything felt so completely different, I had never dated before let alone with my best friend and I felt so shy that Chad was here but any other time it was normal. Now I felt like I had been caught with my cookie hand in the jar and was soon to be judged as I awaited my dad’s blessing.

“What are you making?” Chad murmured softly nuzzling into the side of my neck.

My body curled in on itself with shivers of sheer delight as his hot breath tickled my exposed skin. I shrugged as I pulled myself back together or at least tried “Not me, dad.” I whispered softly.

“Really? What’s your old man making?” he asked interested and I could tell the slightest surprised – both of our fathers couldn’t even cook toast without burning it.

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