Jack's POV

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God, why does he have to be so hot? I think. It's bad enough I'm a gay vampire, but to fall in love with a human? This is too much. I feel hungry, but I know I'll get fat if I eat, and I don't need to be bullied more than I already am. Soon, gym class ends, and I have to go to Math. Luckily, I have that class with Felix, who is also a vampire. And who is bisexual. I got to talk to him before class. "Felix?" I say as we walk to Math. "Do you ever feel attracted to humans?" "Helig skit!" (Swedish for 'Holy shit!' I'm sorry, I had to!) He whispers to me. "Jack, you know humans are off limits!" He says, grabbing me by the shoulders. "I know, but there's this one guy in a few of my classes." I whine. "Ok, fine, tell me about him. But do not, under any circumstances, tell him you love him, ok?" He says quickly. "Ok, ok!" I say. So the whole class period I tell him about how dreamy his chocolate brown eyes were, how hot he was in his gym uniform, running around the track. I tell him how I blush every time he looks at me, and how every time I think about him, I just long for him more and more. When I go home, I see my ma asleep on the couch with a spilling-over Guinness in her hand. I go up to my room and take my shirt off to look at my chest. it's covered in bruises from today when I got beat up by the jocks and scars from my ma's drunken rages. I quickly put pajamas on, and go to bed, not wanting to see them any longer.

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