Mark's POV

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I slightly wake up. I hear some one talking. Wanting to listen, I pretend to stay unconscious. "I'm so sorry, kid." I hear an adult man say. A doctor maybe? "IT'S NOT ME YOU NEED TO SAY SORRY TO!" A kid yells. Felix. That's Felix. Where did Jack go? "At least that kid was there. He saved Sean's life!" Woah. Saved his life? Who? How was he saved? What from? I have a million questions. I flutter my eyes open. "Look he's awake!" Felix says. They both run over to me. "I heard you guys talking." I admit. "I... Am so, so, so sorry Mark." The doctor says. "Sorry for what?  Why did Jack need to be saved? Where is he? Who saved him?" I ask. "M-mark..." Felix stutters. "Jack tried to kill himself. He left this note.

Dear Mark and Felix,
                                        I now realize how unneeded I am in this world. I cannot take the bullying and abuse anymore. I'm sorry. Do you want someone to blame for my death? Blame Wade and Bob and Tiffy and Red and most of all, Ethan. They beat me up and bullied me and said I was worthless. Now I see they were right. I leave this note; Mark, I love you so much. You are my everything. I'm sorry I kept a secret from you. Felix will know. Felix, you were the first person who really cared about me. If I die, tell Mark my secret and 'turn the tides'. You are incredibly funny handsome and charismatic.
                                 Love, Sean William McLaughlin.

Jack's POV
As I start to fall, I feel someone grab my ankle. They pull me up and I go limp. They carry me bridal style to the hospital. I don't see the point. Better to let me die.

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