new girl

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September 2

Eight streets. that was the distance that we had to go cotton Bend to the Jackson high.

Apparently I could revive my lifetime up and down eight streets, and eight streets were enough to get the strange rabecão black my head. perhaps it was why not mentioned nothing to link. spent by stop & shop, also known as stop & steal. it was the only market town, and what we had to more like a 7 Eleven. so whenever we were puerility with someone there, we had to twist not to give face with the mother of someone shopping for dinner or worse, with amma. realized the family Grand Prix parked at the door.

- Oh-Oh. fatty is already on duty. - he was in the driver's seat, reading the stars and stripes. - maybe he has not seen US.

- Link looked by rearview, tense. - maybe we are screwed. fatty was the inspector in charge of find all students school Stonewall Jackson high that killed class, as well as a proud member of the police force of Gatlin. his girlfriend, Amanda, worked in the stop & steal, and fatty was stationed there at the door during the most morning, hoping that the products bakery reach. this was somewhat inconvenient if you were always late as link and me. it was not possible to attend Jackson high without knowing to routine fatty as well as our own schedule of classes. today, fatty signaled by hand to brothers in front without not take the eyes of sports section. he was giving US a clearance.

- Sports section and a bun. you know what that means. - we have five minutes. we follow on can-old to the parking school with the March in neutral, hoping to go through the Secretariat unnoticed. but still it rained very, then at the time we entered in the building, we were stews and our tennis made a noise so high that would give in the same if we had entered voluntarily.

- Ethan wate! Wesley Lincoln! we were standing dripping in Secretariat, waiting tickets detention that levaríamos home.

- Late for the first day of class. his mother will use a few words choice with you, Mr. Lincoln. and don't do this guy superior, Mr. wate. amma will give you a beating. miss.

Hester was right. amma know that I arrived late in about five minutes, this is no longer know. things were so here.. my mother said that Carlton Eaton, the director of the agency mail, read any letter that seemed means interesting. he or if gave more to work paste the envelope again. it's not like some new real could exist. every House had his secrets, but all on the Street knew what were. until it was not secret.

- Miss. Hester, I just came driving slowly because of the rain. - link tried to be charming. miss.

Hester pulled a bit the glasses and looked at link, nothing Enchanted. the correntinha that held the glasses it around the neck shook forward and backward.

- Don't have time to chat with you now. i'm busy filling your tickets detention, which is where you will later today - she said while in handed a brochure Blue for each. she was busy, I know. gave to feel the smell enamel even before double for the corridor. welcome back.

In Gatlin, the first day of class never changes. teachers, who know US of the Church, decided if we were donkeys or smart when we were in kindergarten. I was smart because my parents were University professors. link was ass because kneaded the pages of the Holy book during the hunt scriptures and why vomited once during the parade Christmas. as I was intelligent, received good grades in my work, as link was ass, received notes bad. I think no one gave to work read them. sometimes I wrote one thing any in the middle of essays just to see if my teachers would say something. no never said anything.

Unfortunately, the same principle not applied the tests multiple-choice. in the first time in class English, discovered my teacher 700 years old, whose real name was Mrs. inglês, had sent US read the Sun is for all over the summer, so I gave evil in the first race. great.

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