Guns 5.0

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We put people in power,
Who's promises blind us,
And the power they gain,
Is used to destroy us,
We are disabled by them,
While they walk all over us,
Guns in hand,
Guns in their minds,
They equate their power to guns.
Guns that kill,
Bullet wounds that scatter holes,
In the flag,
That is meant to represent freedom,
Is there liberty in death?
In limitless death?
When those in power care more about golf
Than terrorism.
And yes.
I mean terrorism.
A mere lack of melananin,
Doesn't excuse massacre.
All it takes,
Is a second of failed humanity,
To cripple life,
In an instant.
Smiles, laughter and love.
Music, joy and unity.
So quickly.
So easily.
With a gun.
In a world like ours,
It happens,
All too often
And sometimes ruin,
Doesn't always stem,
From the monster pulling the trigger.
I'll say it bluntly.
Your second commandment,
Is condemning you,
Holding a semi-automatic,
Shouldn't make you feel safe,
Safety lies in love and peace.
That now, seems so rare.


A/N - God I'm so sorry that there is so much unexplained hate. I'm sorry to everyone who has lost a loved one. I can't even list the names today because there are so so many. My heart is with the world today.

Las Vegas: 02/10/17

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