Chapter One

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Out in outer space, in orbit of Mars, Miles and MERC along with the rest of Mission Force One were in their Bio Garden.

Zenith came on. "Attention, Captain. Incoming communication from Tomorrowland Transit Authority".

Miles nodded and said, "Thank you Zenith, we'll take it on the bridge".

The others knew what that meant and took the elevator down to the bridge. Once they had gotten there, they were immediately welcomed to the relieved looks and sighs of the Admirals. Crick looked at Miles and said, "Thank goodness you're still here, Captain".

Miles was confused and raised an eyebrow, "Why wouldn't I be, Admirals?"

Admiral Watson looked at his little brother, before turning his attention to Miles and answered, "There have been six captains that have been kidnapped. Captain Kitumba, Captain Wimbly, Captain Blob, Captain Joe of the Spaceguard, Queen Gemma and your mother. We think that the next target is you".

The force's jaws dropped and Loretta exclaimed, "What? What would anyone that'll be kidnapping the captains, want with my brother?!"

The Admirals only shook their heads and opened their arms to show her, they didn't know.

Miles looked at his sister and sighed, before returning his attention to the Admirals. "Where have they all disappeared, Admirals?"

The Admirals looked down and a picture of a planet with dark shadows and very deep black water was shown. "They have all disappeared on Planet Mystique. There's an incredibly rocky surface, making it uninhabitable to anyone, even for animals". Admiral Watson explained, looking quite distressed.

He looked at Haruna and ordered, "Haruna, set course for Planet Mystique". Haruna nodded and put in the coordinates.

Crick started to talk. "One more thing, Captain, since you are a most likely target for whoever is kidnapping the captains, we are having the Space Guard there to protect you". Admiral Watson then quickly added, "We are going to be there as well".

Once again, Miles raised an eyebrow in confusion and asked, "Why, Admirals?". He was perplexed at the reason why the Admirals would need to be there. Didn't they trust them, much less him?

Watson looked at her seriously and answered truthfully, "Because of who or what the kidnapper is. We cannot allow our best captain to be captured and being held for the worst things imaginable" The Admirals looked at one another and nodded in silent understanding.

Blodger looked at the Admirals and said, "But Miles is strong and tough. They won't be able to break him". Miles smiled at the Blob's loyalty. He truly was one of a kind.

Watson and Crick looked at Blodger and smiled softly. They knew he was the youngest of Mission Force One. Crick replied, "We know, Blodger".

Miles sighed and rubbed his eyes with his hand tiredly and said, "We need to be ready for any possible outcome. Admirals, we accept the mission and we'll meet you at Planet Mystique".

The Admirals looked at Miles and nodded once, in understanding before saying, "Tomorrowland over the moon, and out". They saw the Admirals signing off and the screen disappeared to show the space they were always familiar viewing.

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