Chapter Three

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Once the call ended, everyone went to bed. Mirandos was trailing behind Loretta, when she suddenly stopped. She thought about Loretta, then said quietly, "Solidizers, create a soundproof module". A soundproof module was created and she attached it to her and Loretta's bedroom padlock. (The bottom is the soundproof module). With that, she walked inside and closed and locked the door. She turned around and was startled when she saw that Loretta was right behind her. "Trying to make it soundproof?" Mirandos nodded, before swallowing heavily and put her arms around the specialist's waist. Loretta put her arms around Mirandos' neck and leaned forward. Mirandos met her halfway and initiated the kiss. The kiss became deeper and Mirandos turned around and pushed Loretta into the door.

They fought for dominance and eventually, Mirandos won and she was rewarded with Loretta moaning, causing her continue. She picked the specialist up and Loretta wrapped her legs around the engineer's waist and she carried her over to her bed and laid her down. Mirandos crawled on top and went back to kissing Loretta. Before anything could continue, Zeno came on. "Hey, whoa. I did not see this coming. Explains the soundproof module on the lock". Mirandos and Loretta looked at Zeno and he quickly added, "I'm going, I'm going". With that, Zeno logged off.

This was Zeno's reaction.

This was Zeno's reaction

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Mirandos rolled her eyes, while Loretta was giggling like a school girl

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Mirandos rolled her eyes, while Loretta was giggling like a school girl. Mirandos seized the opportunity and kissed her again. This time, Loretta won the battle and Mirandos smiled. She stopped and looked at Mirandos, who in turn looked confused. She looked down and saw that Loretta was silently pleading her to take off her uniform top. She complied and went back to kissing her specialist. After a while, Mirandos stopped, causing Loretta to stare at her in confusion. Mirandos didn't want to take it too far with Loretta and somehow, she sensed it. Her stare turned into an understanding one and once again, put her arms around her engineer's neck and smiled. "We don't have to do it right now, Mirandos". Mirandos smiled and kissed her lover's forehead. She lingered a few seconds longer and crawled over to the other side and laid down. Loretta took that moment to look at her fearless lover before laying down with her and put her arm around Mirandos' chest and closed her eyes, a smile plastered on her face.

------------------------------------The Next Morning-------------------------

Both Loretta and Mirandos looked at each other and smiled lovingly as they sat down for breakfast.  Miles looked at his sister and old friend in a confusing state, before letting go of the matter and started eating.

Mirandos couldn't help but smile the whole time she ate her breakfast. She recalled the night before.


Mirandos couldn't sleep and she didn't want to. Loretta and her friendship was now no more but a memory. She remembered the first time they've met. She had to admit, Loretta was in her eyes, the most beautiful human she had ever seen. Right then and there, she knew she had fallen for her. But, she couldn't risk telling Loretta this, otherwise, she was afraid of loosing her forever. Luckily, when she kissed her at her workstation, it was grand. She might've gotten carried away and Loretta knew it too.

Mirandos looked down at the sleeping figure of Loretta Callisto and smiled. How did she, Mirandos Arillian get such a smart and beautiful human as Loretta? She may never know. But one thing was for sure, she wasn't going to let anything happen to her anytime soon. That was a promise.


Mirandos shook her head and looked at Loretta, who was looking concerned and smiled. Loretta smiled and took the engineer's hand into hers and smiled lovingly at her.

Zeno came on and said, "Zephyr is here, Miles". Miles nodded and motioned the others to come with him. They went down to the hanger where the meteorologist was waiting.  Zephyr looked at Miles and smiled. She walked up to them and said, "Good to see you again, Miles". She held out her hand and Miles shook it.

Mirandos instinctively stood in front of Loretta for protection and she narrowed her eyes at Zephyr. Loretta's mouth opened in protest, but closed it once she saw the look that Mirandos gave her. "You're not jealous, are you, Mirandos?" Zephyr asked as she walked up to the engineer and chuckled as she remained a statue and narrowed her eyes. "Relax will you, Mirandos? I'm not the kind of person that would steal your girlfriend?" Loretta put a loving hand on her engineer and Mirandos backed off, still looking through narrow eyes at the Meteorologist. "Mirandos". The sound of her lover's voice, brought her back and she looked at Loretta and relaxed.

Miles looked at the encounter between his sister and friend. He smiled at them and wondered if he could have what they have. "Alright guys, we have a mission to do. Mission Force One, are we on it?" Miles asked as his own team looked at him and replied, "Like a comet!". Zephyr smiled warmly at the kids. They were no longer little kids, and quite frankly, she was proud of that. She knew their parents, even Phoebe Callisto would be too.

Her smile then dropped as she remembered Leo. It has been a tough six years since his death and Phoebe wouldn't recover from it. Miles and Loretta tried everything to make their mother happy, but, they knew the only thing that could make her happy again, was the sight of their father alive and well. She knew it was long shot, but, she knew it was the only thing to do by tricking them into going to Planet Mystique. It was wrong, yes. but, it was also necessary. She would have to tell Miles and the others the truth and soon, before it got out of control.



Loretta: Are you freaking kidding me? How old am I in this?

Me: Sixteen. Mirandos is Eighteen.

Miles: Well hey, its not like you both are kids.

Me: Stay tuned to find out how Leo died.

Phoebe: Wait, why is my husband dead in this?

Me: Do you want me to electrocute you with my electric eels again, Callisto?

Phoebe: o.0 No, I do not.

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