Chapter Two

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Miles looked at Haruna as his old friend paced the floor of Zenith angrily. In all the time he's known Haruna, not once did he look pissed as he did then. Miles cleared his throat and caused him to get Haruna's attention. The said boy turned around and narrowed his eyes, then relaxed when he saw his old friend looking concerned for him. "I know how pissed you are right now. But, I know she isn't lying and you know it too". Haruna's gaze dropped to the floor and nodded. "I know that Miles. Its just, too much for me, y'know? That my own mother would do something like kidnap the best captains of the TTA". Miles nodded in understanding and put comforting hand his old friend's shoulder replied, "I know. My mom had told me about an old comrade of her and the old team that had betrayed them and had nearly killed her. My mom would understand". With that, he went to the bridge with Haruna in tow.

Once they had gotten on the bridge, they stopped dead in their tracks as they had watched both Mirandos and Loretta on Mirandos' workstation, kissing. Loretta had her legs wrapped around Mirandos' waist and seemed to be enjoying it. Both boys had their jaws drop at the sight and recovered when they both heard Blodger ask what was going on. They shook their heads and watched as Mirandos and Loretta scurried and immediately stepped away from one another. Mirandos was blushing from head to toe, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment as she looked away. Loretta clasped her hands in front of her and looked down, also in embarrassment. Haruna walked up to Mirandos and gently punched her in the arm, making sure not break any bones with his super strength and said, "Its about time Arielian. We almost made a plan to get you two under the mistletoe during Christmas". They all turned their attention to the youngest of their team when they heard him gasp. He dropped his dinner and raced to tackle Mirandos. Mirandos grunted as Blodger nearly made her fall to the ground and she smiled warmly at the youngest. With those big green gooey eyes she knew he could get anything with, Blodger looked at her with total loyalty and love and exclaimed, "I knew it! I knew you'd go for Loretta!". Miles chuckled and looked at his sister, but the smile faded in confusion and looked at Loretta's neck, "Wait, what's that on your neck?". With that question hanging in the air, Loretta and Mirandos blushed. They looked at each other and quickly looked away. Both of the older boys looked at each other, before the realization had hit them like the Solar Express. Miles looked back to his engineer and exclaimed, "Mirandos!" Mirandos was now blushing from head to toe and stuttered, shaking her head and replied, "I got carried away, Miles! Anyone could be attracted to someone as smart as Loretta!". It was Miles' turn to blush and realized, she was right. Loretta got the looks from their mother, who also had well known admirer, Queen Gemma, who was attracted to their mother.

The moment was interrupted by Zeno, the AI that controls the Zenith Starship. "As much as I shipped it with those two Miles, we have our first mission from Maya Kitumba". Everything lost its light in that moment. Haruna angerily sat down, but, smiled once he saw the flustered looks on his two female teammates. Mirandos was looking at Loretta out of the corner of her eye, never taking her attention off of her lover. Wheras, Loretta was focusing on her station, blushing again for the third time that day.

Maya came on and smiled. But, it quickly faltered when she saw her only son staring at her with pure hatred and betrayal. She sighed and looked at Miles and said, "Miles, I have your first mission. Nemesystems had just stolen a Galactic Globe. I have serious reasoning that the Admirals are at fault of this". Miles' eyebrow raised to a perfect arch and he asked, "Why would the Admirals be working with Commander Nemex?" The others pondered this as well and Maya took that moment to explain. "The Admirals actually want Nemex to take over the TTA. By granting him a Galactic Globe, Nemex would become practically unstoppable. Its imperative that you get that Globe out of Nemesystems' hands. Over and out". With that, Maya signed off.

Miles looked at Zeno and asked, "Zeno, how long does it take to catch up with the Thundership?" Zeno pondered this. True, it seemed like Maya wasn't that kind of human to lie. But, he also had his primary duty to respond and protect. He was responding alright and he was trying to protect his crew. He served Phoebe Callisto and her old team, even Doctor Zephyr Skye, the TTA's most renowned Meteorologist. As a matter of fact, Zeno had a plan. "It would take almost two days at the most. Miles, if we are really trusting a traitor, permission to call and old friend?" Miles was confused. What did Zeno mean by asking him permission to call an old friend? Better safe than sorry. I remember what happened on Galigoes Moon for the battle of the Zenith, Miles thought as he answered Zeno's question. "Yes, you may". Zeno called Dr Skye and she answered.

Mission Force One had their jaws drop. They never knew Zeno knew Skye. "Hey, Miles. Heard your the captain of Mission Force One. Nicely done! Now what is it that you need?" Before Miles could respond, Zeno answered her question. "Hey, Z. Remember me?" Zephyr's eyes widened in recognition. "Zeno?! How you doing old timer?!" Zeno chuckled and answered, "Doing well. Although, my voice cracks from time to time because of a certain space thief". Zephyr chuckled and could tell that this call was serious. "Why did you call me, Zeno?". Zeno sighed, he hated doing this, but, he felt like he had no other choice on the matter. He told her everything. The Captains disappearing, Maya saying and proofing that the Admirals were corrupted and then to calling her for his plan. Miles was secretly impressed with his starship. He knew Zeno was smart, almost too smart for his own good.

Zephyr looked at the children, who were now teenagers (safe for Blodger) and sighed. She hated doing this too. But, she knew Maya had good intentions. If she was accusing the Admirals to be corrupted, then she'll have to have evidence that supports that kind of accusation. "Alright, I'll help,". Everyone sighed with relief, but Zeno knew their was always a condition with the Meteorologist. "but, I'll need to know if the ship had sailed my friend". Everyone, besides Mirnados and Loretta smiled and laughed. Zephyr smiled and whooped and hollered. "I knew it. Mirandos, you sly fox!" Mirandos' eyes widened and her cheeks blushed as did Loretta's.

Miles sighed. He knew he could count on old friends and family to make moments such as this one worth the while. It was no secret now and quite honestly, Miles really wouldn't have it either way.

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