Chapter 3

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A week grounding not that he cared he been grounded for five years and God knows how many months because he lost count. The only thing he was allow was a phone his grandmother so kindly got him for his birthday last year, but he needed to get out of this house without his parents knowing he was gone and get to Two-Face's hideout before 9pm tonight. Covering two pillows over with his cover. Grabbing his backpack then quietly as he could leave his bedroom then went quietly down the stairs. His parents were in the living room watching Comedy Central. Great now to the front door. He thought smiling.

"Where you going?" said Jessie his little sister quietly.

"Jessie? Go back to bed." said Music Meister quietly.

"I'm telling mum and dad." Jessie quietly said about to go into the living room.

"Wait no I need to go out tonight. I'll do anything for you to not rat me out." Music Meister quietly begged.

"Anything huh?" a little smirk appear on Jessie's face.

"I'm going to regret this but yes anything."

"Do my chores for a month and I won't rat you out?"

"You got to be fucking kidding me."

"Two month for the foul mouth."

"What? No way."

"Then I'm telling mum and dad."

"OK, OK you win I will do your chores for two months just don't tell mum and dad."

"Done have fun breaking the law."

Shaking hands with his little sister thinking the law breaking doesn't fall far from the family tree. Music Meister finally left quietly through the front door and ran for it to Two-Face's hideout and by hideout abandon warehouse down town. Scarecrow, Joker, Riddler, Bane, Killer Croc and Two-Face waited for their final member to arrive it had gone over on 9:05pm. Getting impatient which you can tell when he started flipping his coin.

"Sorry I'm late guys I had to make a deal with my sister for her to shut her mouth about me breaking out of my bedroom." Music Meister said dropping his bag down as he jumped from the window that had lost its glass frame.

"About time now the gang are here we can get started." said Two-Face his voice changing from soft to rough. "Boys as you know our warehouse has been our warehouse for since we started high school 3 years ago. We meet here nearly every night ever since we started attending Gotham High School."

"Go, Go Trident Warriors. Argh!" said both Bane and Killer Croc head-butting each other.

"Yes, yes thank you for crashing the other school teams." said Riddler wanting to get his meeting over with.

"The only reason we show up to those games. HAHAHAHAHA!" said Joker smirking as he laugh.

"Settle down boys." Two-Face said softly then his voice change. "Our little hideout is under threat as Gotham City Hall plan to rear this place down."

"What? They can't do that man. Fucking cunts. Taking our home away from home." said the whole group outraged by the news.

"What's the plan man?" said Bane.

"Yeah!" said the rest of the group.

Two-Face smirked well his good side smirked because you couldn't tell on his other side of his face no thanks to science lesson gone wrong (for the story not claiming anything), but outside the warehouse as Two-Face explains his plans to save their hideout a dark figure narrowed his eyes listening in on the young criminals' plan. The next day and the first lesson of day was gym. Everyone in that class were in their gym clothing even the villains as they look up what looks like a crossed between an obstacle course and death trap. A big and old man wearing a dark navy blue cat outfit on took a deep breath.

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