Chapter One

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(A/N: Story has been rewritten as of 2024)

Your POV

I pressed myself against my mother, finding comfort in her warm belly fur as I watched my denmates play fight. Sandkit and Dustkit had teamed up and were now having a two vs one against Greykit. 

I watched on as Greykit proudly stood his ground. He will make a fine warrior one day... I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt a soft nose nudge my side gently, I looked up to see my mother gazing down at me, "Why don't you join them?" She purred, giving me another encouraging nudge.

I dug my claws into the soft moss of our nest, refusing to move. "They're too rough." I complained, pressing myself harder against her belly. She sighed, shaking her head before returning to her conversation with the other queens.

My eyes wondered around the den, before landing on the small pile of black fur. It almost blended into the shadows of the nursery, only standing out due to the white tip of a tail. Ravenkit, he hasn't opened his eyes yet. 

Despite wanting to stay curled up, warm and safe with my mother, I stood up, stretching my legs before climbing out of my nest and making my way towards where Ravenkit was curled up among the moss.

I looked up at his mother, Robinwing, tilting my head curiously. "Why hasn't he opened his eyes yet?" I asked her, stretching out and paw and gently nudging him. Robinwing looked down at me, then to Ravenkit, a look of adoration on her face. "Some kits need more time than others." She answered, giving him a loving lick between his ears before re-entering her previous conversation.

My eyes fell back onto the small huddle of fur. I leaned forward, my nose almost touching his ear as I spoke quietly to him. "Come on, Ravenkit! I need a denmate who isn't going to try and tackle me the second I turn my back." I encouraged him, tilting my head to see his eyes better as I waited a few moments, silently willing him to open his eyes.

A huff of frustration left me as I realised my words did nothing. Sending him one last hopeful look, I turned back towards my nest at the call from my mother. The nursery had grown darker as nightfall drew closer.

Not realising how tired I had become, I padded slowly back to my nest, passing the other three kits, who also seemed to have become drowsy. 

I felt gentle teeth around the scruff of my neck as my mother lifted me up and placed me into our nest, curling her tail protectively around me. I let out a yawn before curling up against her, and closing my eyes, letting my mind fill with dreams of becoming a future warrior.

*The next day*

I woke up in alarm as I felt hard paws pushed into my side, a yelp of fear erupting from my mouth as I jumped to my feet. I turned to my attacker, fur fluffed up. "Greykit! What is wrong with you?!" I hissed, shaking my head and letting out a sigh of both relief and annoyance. "I was having such a good dream!" I began to complain but stopped once I saw the look of excitement on his face.

"Ravenkit's opened his eyes!" He purred in delight before spinning around and bounding toards the nest Ravenkit slept in. I climbed groggily out of my nest and joined the small crowd around Ravenkit's nest, peering in.

I felt myself get captured by his bright green eyes, opened wide and shock as he grew used to all the different sights and colours. I followed his eyes as they landed on each kit, taking time to see their individual traits, before they finally landed on me.

I gave him a friendly smile, my tail rising up behind me in excitement. "I'm Y/K/N!" I said to him happily. His eyes trailed over me, seeing my unique traits, and I felt myself grow a little self-conscious as I realised I hadn't yet groomed my fur, messy from sleep.

Before I could give my excuse for my unkempt fur, I saw the corners of his mouth quirk up into a smile, quickly causing me to forget about my pelt. "I'm Ravenkit, although you probably already knew that." He said quietly, sounding very awkward.

I giggle left my lips at his words. "When you're ready, we'll give you a tour of the nursery." I felt my paws tingle with excitement. "And then, we'll be allowed outside the nursery for the first time!" Greykit chimed in besides me, me nodding along happily to his words.

My eye's widened in surprise as I watched Ravenpaw begin to climb shakily to his, wobbling as he tried to grow used to hlding his weight on his paws. "Don't push yourself if you're not ready." I meowed qietly, nervous he would somehow hurt himself.

Yet he ignored my words, his tail swaying back and forth as he tried to balance himself. Surprising myself with my own actions, I climbed into his nest and pushed my side up against his, helping him stand u straight for the first time.

He turned his head to me, a big smile on his face, his tail raising up high behind him. "Thank you!" He purred happily. Slowly I moved a little away from him, moving away enough for him to hold his own weight, but close enough to help him again if he lost balance.

But after a few moments, he stood on his own. Despite the uncertainty in his eyes, he puffed out his chest proudly, earning a comforting lick on his head from Robinwing, and a celebratory yowl from his brother Dustkit. 

After a few hours of Greykit, Sandkit, Dustkit and I helping and encouraging Ravenkit, he was finally walking on his own, albeit on shaky legs.  Now he walked slowly behind Greykit and I as we toured the nursery.

Despite there not being much at all in the nursery to look at besides nests and walls, Ravenkit seemed to be enjoying looking  at the different things. I reminded myself that whilst it seemed boring to me now, it wasn't long ago I myself was looking at these things for the first time too.

Eventually the day ended once more, with me curled up in my warm nest, excitement swelling in my chest as the near future of finally seeing life outside of the nursery. 

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