Chapter Five

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(Rewritten as of 2024)

I sat tiredly outside of the apprentice den as Greypaw went to wake up Firepaw. I had spent most the night tossing and turning, unable to get my mind off of Ravenpaw's strange behaviour, along with the worry for him. Why did he seem so stressed? And it seemed like he was almost afraid of his own mentor, but that couldn't be true, could it?

Before I could go into another spiralling thought, Greypaw came out of the den with Firepaw following close behind. Ravenpaw was still in Spottedleaf's den, unable to join training yet.

"Are you joining us too, Y/A/N?" Firepaw asked me.

I shook my head. "No, Y/M/N is taking me out for one on one battle training." I informed them. "I'm just waiting on them."

Firepaw nodded his head in understanding, and Greypaw lead the way out of camp to meet up with Lionheart and Tigerclaw.

Standing up and trying to shake the drowsiness off, I made my way towards the warrior's den, where I saw Y/M/N begin to exit. I met up with them, touching noses briefly before they led the way out of camp.

"Today I'm simply going to be watching you. You've already proven to be good at hunting techniques so this time I will be testing how well you will do whilst out hunting alone." The warrior explained to me.

My mentor stopped in a small clearing, sniffing the air before giving a small nod, then they turned to me. "I will give you until sunhigh to catch as much prey as you can. Good luck." They then walked away into the dense shrubbery, disappearing from my sight.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I took a moment to sniff the air, opening my mouth slightly to press the scents to the roof of my mouth. I picked up the scent of a mouse, not too far away, and dropped down into a crouch.

Making sure not to make any sounds, I prowled closer to where the scent was coming from. After taking only a few steps around a bush, I spotted the small brown creature, nibbling away at a seed. I held my breath, waiting for the perfect moment, before springing forward.

The mouse instantly turned and tried to run, but my claws caught it before it could get away. Quickly, I swung the helpless creature into the air, catching it in my mouth and killing it it with a forceful bite.

Dropping it on the ground, I looked down at the proudly before swiping dirt over the top of it, hiding it from any other predators until I could come back and collect it. I then turned and made my way further into the forest, my ears pricked and alert for any sounds of prey.

As I walked, my mind wandered back to last night. I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong. I needed to talk to Ravenpaw, but what would I say? What if he just pushed me away?

As I was deep in thought, a rabbit shot past me, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Stunned for only a moment, I quickly began to give chase, but due to my unpreparedness the rabbit got away from me easily, diving inside a burrow.

Hissing in annoyance, I lashed my tail through the air. Pay attention! I yelled to myself internally. I looked up at the trees, wondering how much of that my mentor had witnessed. Shaking out my fur, I took a moment to collect myself. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about anything but your task.

I opened my mouth once more, taking in all the scents of the forest, and began my hunt once more.


I pushed myself through the gorse tunnel, focusing on not tripping over the haul of prey I carried in my mouth. After accidently letting the rabbit get away, I managed to pull myself together and collect a good amount of prey. My mentor followed me as I headed to the freshkill pile, and together we dumped my collecting of freshkill onto the pile.

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