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Four Years Ago

"Hey, it's me."

I grinned hearing his familiar deep and raspy voice over the tiny speaker on my cellphone. "Hey, you, long time no talk."

There was a pause and I felt like I could hear the smile coming from his end of the phone. "I'm sorry about that," his deep breath exhaling into the phone. "Things... things have been rough over here."

"I know. I've been watching the news, trying to figure how you've been."

"You're too sweet." He laughed quietly, making me wonder just how late it was over there and why he wasn't trying to catch up on some sleep.

I laughed as well, wishing there was some way to spit out some of the thoughts running through my head every time he called me. "Well -"

Suddenly, something echoed loudly in the distance on the phone from where he was and his end went deathly quiet. I waited two heartbeats before trying to speak again, only to have him cough carefully. His voice was rushed and urgent, while all the same remaining quiet and stern. "I'm sorry, Brie. I'm going to have to call you back. I've really got to go."

Before I could even whisper out a sad goodbye, the phone line went dead leaving me with my questions as to just how bad things were overseas.

Author's Note: Since this is my project for NaNoWriMo this year, it will be unedited and possibly a little messy until the end of the month with I can really do some editing and reviewing. I don't want people to be pointing out mistakes because again, this is a work in progress. 

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