Imagine 2

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Ross- I was on a beach with my girlfriend Kimberli. I smiled at her as we walked along the beach side holding hands. It was a very nice day out. 
Kimberli- I smiled as I walked with ross along the beach. I squeezed his hand. I giggled and we softly kissed as the kids ran around screaming, people played beach ball, people sunbathed and others did their own thing.
Ross- we walked up to the board walk and her back was facing me. I smiled as the board walk was empty because everyone was busy. I smiled and I watched her from the back watch the fish and waves. I pulled the velvet box out of my swimming trunks. I smiled. I was going to wait till later but.... I couldn't.
Kimberli- I had my arms crossed as the wind started to blow. My hair blew in the wind. I just watched the beautiful fish and waves. I suddenly turned around...
Ross- I was on one knee as I smiled at her. The box was open with a beautiful diamond engagement ring in it. I chucked and smiled as she had her hands over her mouth. She suddenly nodded and pulled my face up to kiss me. I smiled against her lips as I started to slip the ring on her finger.
Kimberli- I grabbed his hand and we continued our walk. I smiled. We started to talk about our future and how we would want it. It got later and we suddenly went home.

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