Imagine 3

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Cynthia- I was having a bad day at school. My grades were so low. I sighed as I sat in my bedroom on my bed. The door bell rang and I got up. I went downstairs fastly and answered the door before the guest had left.
Ross- I smiled as she opened the door. I was standing there with books from our classes. Her eyes were wide and she looked so confused because she knew exactly what I was doing to do. I walked in and put the book stack on her dining room table. I smiled. "Let me help you..." I whispered to her
Cynthia- I smiled as we started to study and he taught me some tricks and stuff. I started to fall even harder for him because he was so cute. I've always liked Ross.
Ross- I looked into her eyes and started to lean in. She then looked down at the book. I sighed. "Cynthia... you're not stupid..." I told her because I knew she was feeling down. "Some stuff will just take time to understand... not ever things easy!" I told her as I saw a smile appear on her face.
Cynthia- it's been hours and it was a little later. I sighed. I looked up at him. We already ate. He grabbed my hand and I put my flip flops on. We went for a small walk. As we walked I softly put my small hand in his big one. We interlocked our fingers.
Ross- I smiled as I walked with her. It was a bit chilly out so I stopped and unhooked our hands. I took off my kick ass leather jacket and gave it to her. I put it on her for her and she was blushing and smiling. I slowly grabbed both of her hands as we stood face to face. I leaned in because she got more and more comfortable with me as we studied.
Cynthia- I smiled as we kissed. I looked into his eyes. "I'm ready to kick ass... on this test tomorrow..." I giggled with him. We walked further and got home.

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