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Author's note- Hi! Welcome to my second book! I hope you enjoy!  


The last ship exploded. We all felt..free in a way. "The battle's over." Shiro said with sigh of relieve. "No, it isn't." Keith said. I looked up *what?* "How? We defeated the Galra!' Lance asked. "Look to your bottom left." Keith said. I turned, a Galra pod blasted of in the dark sky. "WHOA! Who was that?" Hunk asked. "Lotor." Shiro said under his breath. "Yeah it is Lotor, and another thing is that we haven't done is save all the planet's that have been taken over by the Galra!" Keith yelled. "Geez calm down Keith." Lance said. "Pidge-" Shiro started but was cut of with the sound of a blast. "PIDGE!" Keith yelled. My lion had been hit with blast from a canon, sending me and Green far, I mean really far away, so far that we hit a planet....but that's not the scary thing ,the scary thing is that there was no connection, no way to contact the others. 

-A month later-

Shiro's POV

It's been a month since Pidge disappeared. Everyone on the team is broken, just what Lotor wanted. Me well my sanity is broken, Pidge kept me sane..but she's not here. Keith isn't talking anymore, Keith could talk to Pidge and she wouldn't judge, she never did, but now Keith has no one to talk to..shell full of secrets. Lance is quiet, Lance could talk/tell jokes to Pidge and she wouldn't mind. Hunk is sad, he could drag Pidge to the kitchen and they would make really good food together, but now he has no one. Allura is acting strange, Allura would go to Pidge and talk about girl stuff, but Pidge isn't here so Allura keeps thing to her self..kind of like Keith now that I think about it. Then there's Coran which he would always call Pidge to help him with technical stuff now he has to do it all by himself, which isn't easy.

But the one of the most important thing is that now we can't form Voltron. I looked up and sighed then looked down again. We'll find you Pidge I promise. I read through my  journal and thought back to that moment then closed it. I ran my fingers through my white hair, I cringed at the thought *not again* . I got up and walked out of my room and went into the kitchen. 

When I walked though the kitchen door I heard Hunk humming a tune. I stopped dead in my tracks. *I haven't heard Hunk hum in a month* I smiled and kept walking until I saw Hunk. Hunk was bopping to the tune he was humming while he made food. I realized that it is  Pidge's favorite tune. I walked up to him. "Hey Hunk." I said. He turned to look at me. "Oh hey Shiro." he replied with a big smile on his face. "Your happy." I said confused *why is he so happy all of a sudden?* I swear on my life that Hunk's smile got bigger. "Cause Pidge is back!"

Sorry this was short but my working on other books but I'll make more I promise.

A long way away(Shidge & Klance AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon