Waking up

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Pidge's P.O.V

"Matt!" Matt looked up, he smiled "Go Katie I love you." My eyes teared up "I love you too Matt." then everything went white.

I woke up with my eyes lifting up slowly. I mutter. I saw Shiro first, Keith second, Lance third, Allura fourth, Hunk fourth, and Coran last, and they were all smiling. All of sudden I fell but fortunately Shiro was there to catch me. I looked up, Shiro was smiling "good morning Katie." Shiro whispered.  I smiled "hi." I felt my ribs break "Pidge!" I coughed "Hey Hunk." He let go. "Pidge thank god you're okay!" Lance said hugging me softly. I hugged him back *he's so soft* Then Keith hugged me. My eyes widened, I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. He pulled back and put his hands on my shoulders "good to have you back." 

After we all hugged, we walked to the dining area were then Hunk made food for me. While I was eating the paladins told me what happened in the past month. 

I raised my brow.  "SO basically when I was gone, the team broke?" Shiro smiled "kind of like that." I sighed shook my head "wow" Keith smiled for the first time in a month "yeah wow but you're back and everyone's happy." Keith frowned and looked at everyone "everyone's happy right?" Everyone smiled "Yep!" I smiled then yawned "oh boy I'm tired." I looked at everyone "are you guys?" Hunk laughed 'Ha! Tired? I'm hungry!" Keith shrugged "I don't sleep that much until-" Lance jumped in before he could say anything "oh boy Pidge you have NO idea how tired I am so why don't we all rest RIGHT Keith?"Lance stared at Keith. Keith's face turned red "oh uh right." Lance grabbed Keith checks "look how tired he is!" then he grabbed Keith's right hand "so since Keith is SO tired why don't I take Keith to bed? Sound good? Good, now let's go Keith!" Lance quickly said as he bolted dragged poor Keith down the hallway.

My eyebrows were raised to their maximum "what was that all about?" I said as I looked at Shiro. Shiro frowned "I have no clue." then he looked down at me and put his hand on my shoulder "let's get you to bed."

Author's note- sorry this was short but I have thing I have to do!

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