A new Pidge

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Keith P.O.V

I was walking to the kitchen because reasons but then I heard Lance scream my name, so naturally I ran to the sound of his voice. When I ran to Lance my mouth dropped. Pidge was fighting the gladiator but something was wrong with her. "P-pidge?" I asked. 

Pidge was fighting the gladiator but she was glowing green, I mean her whole body, head, and feet..glowing. Even her eyes were green. Then Pidge got knocked down. 

"Pidge!" Shiro yelled trying to get to her but couldn't. The gladiator was getting close to her. I started to sweat "Pidge!" I yelled as Lance stood in horror. Then Pidge screamed. Green sprouted from out of Pidge shooting everything in the arena. Then roots sprouted out of the gladiators chest, killing it. Pidge was on her knees panting, as the rest of us had our mouths open in awe(she wasn't green anymore). We've NEVER seen Pidge do that before...not before she disappeared. Shiro even though he was scared walked slowly to Pidge, and we followed. Shiro knelt down next to Pidge. "Pidge?" Shiro asked softly.

Pidge looked up. She was crying but her eyes weren't brown, they were now a green, the color of her lion. We all blinked. Lance forced a smile "hey P-Pidge it's okay we're here." Lance said as knelt down and rubbed her back soothingly. Then she quickly hugged Lance and made Lance jump..making me blush. 

"I'm sorry." Pidge sobbed. Lance soothed her hair. "For what?" Lance cooed. Pidge giggled "I don't know." she muttered, then she fell asleep. Lance looked down at Pidge, who was fast asleep and picked her up, draping her over his shoulder. I blushed even more because a) he was being a big brother to Pidge and b)  Pidge's arm was dangling over Lance's shoulder and her face was so peaceful. I turned to Shiro who was blushing even brighter than when Hunk met Shay..now that's impressive. 

Lance looked at us and put his finger on his mouth. Lance slowly and quietly walked Pidge to her room. I smiled and looked at Shiro "isn't Lance amazing?" I asked as I quietly ran after Lance. I turned the corner, were I was met with his huge beautiful blue eyes. "Ah! Lance-you....you scared me." Lance looked at me dangerously, making me nervous. "Yeah I bet I did." Lance said as he moved his face closer to mine. I looked at his lips then back to his bright blue eyes. Then he kissed me.

Shiro P.O.V

I sighed as walked to my room. Then I heard whimpering, and I walked towards it. I stopped at Pidge's room. 'The whimpering is coming from Pidge's room..' I thought. I softly pushed the door, surprisingly it was open. "Pidge?" I said softly. Pidge was kicking in her sleep. I walked towards her. "NO! Please! Autumn!!!" I frowned 'who's Autumn?' I thought. "S-Shiro!" Pidge cried. I flinched. I couldn't see her in pain "Pidge?" I asked as I shock her arm. Pidge shot up "Shiro!" she screamed. "Hey! It's okay Pidge." I said as I soothed her back. "I-I..." she stammered as she hugged me tight. "O-okay." I said "it's okay." Pidge looked up at me with her (now) bright green eyes and I looked at her back. "C-can you sleep with me?" she asked. I smiled "sure." 

Author's note- Hey! I'm sorry I didn't post I've been busy :/

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