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"Mom! I didn't agree to this!" She hadn't seen me behind her reading over her shoulder. "Ember calm down! There will be a boy! You might have a chance at being normal, having a job, and possibly even getting a boyfriend!" That's the thing about my mom. To much elvin confidence in her, none in me. It might be because I'm a half breed, half human half elf. It's supposed to drain your powers but if anything it gives you twice as more. But at least she knew how to hit me, and hit me hard. I'd been waiting for a boyfriend for at least 3 years, longer then any of my friends who all got their first boy friends around the same time. All of them except me. Now they all have jobs, and again, it's just me who doesn't. My mom thinks I'm everything but normal. She thinks I'm always a little less than perfect. God I hate my mom. On her seventh husband, beautiful and pregnant with her fifth child ( I'm her third) and none of them with the same father she's a grand total of nothing but a bitch. Her plan is to live off her children's money, and so far it's working. But you can see why I might be a tad bit weird for her. "And why do you think I'll like this particular boy, or is it just a bunch of random boys that I can choose from?" It come barreling out of my mouth with out me thinking much about it. "I'm so sorry that you have life problems Ember, but I have three words of advice for you. No one cares. And anyone who does has to much time on their hands and should probably get a job." She says without looking up. "Ill just deal with my own problems then... and you will have to deal with yours." And with that I storm out. "Fine, Ill be there tomorrow at the designated time. That stupid bitch or alone." I mumble as I slowly walk down the long halls that even through my 17 years of life I never mapped out or remembered. I see the tears long before I feel them. And soon I'm gazing of a terrace that I never knew we had. Calm down Ember, calm the fuck down. We will not do this. Deep breath in, deep breath out. "Honey, your mom needs to talk to you," I quickly turn around, startled. Our chamber maid, a sweet girl named Molly, was standing behind me. "Ok Molly, thank you." I say trying to smile, and run down stairs. She looks up slowly and that's when I know there will be a lecture and a punishment. When my mom gives punishment she makes sure your in pain, physically or mentally. "You are lucky," she says  to me quietly "to have the privilege of being my daughter. If you can't respect that privilege then you have a choice. No marrying anyone that has no money or only some money. He has to be rich,  or be a chamber maid." She looks at me smugly, putting me in lots of physical work or putting restraints on my relationships. Harsh.
"The first one..."

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