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Miss?" A small voice says from behind the door. "Miss. Ember your mother needs you down stairs in a half an hour." I yawn, looking up slowly. There was no way morning was here. I look at my alarm clock. My alarm didn't go of. Shit. I have a half an hour to get ready. No more slow crap. I stumble out of bed, quickly undress, and throw myself into the shower. As programmed the shower turns automatically to the perfect temperature and the built in radio blasts my favorite song. But today I don't feel like dancing.

              The E.F.C.R is huge, two buildings, one seven stories, (one for business, three for cats three for dogs.) The other is two stories, ( its a vets office.) Located on 7 by 7 mile piece of land in the mountains. 30 minute drive from the city.  My mom is its best founder/supporter so I know this place better than my house. My mom's daughter was an obvious choice for the employee. And unlucky enough, I'm the only one that fits the age description and doesn't already have a job. Shit, I've never seen the youngest Rachel. It goes:
        New baby

             This morning at E.G.G I rode up on a noble deer named Sapphire, hoped off, wished him well and strode up to the table. Daniel stood at the table looking down at me. His appearance screamed fuck boy. He's tall, tan, muscled, with dark hair dripping down into his light greenish blueish eyes. He was wearing a tight t-shirt and blue jeans. His ears pointed and sticking out of the mop of hair. Rugged, strong, sexy af and probably taken.
Nothing like me. Fuck my mom for getting me into this. This looked like a broken heart from the beginning. "We seem to have a winner, Ember Faun welcome to the team. You'll be working with me." His voice was deep seductive and flirty. He winked and turned. Folding himself into toyota, he backed up and drove away. Daniel Wolfhart. Hmmmm. Seems like I'm damned. Oops.

         I was ushered into a limo to take the drive to the E.F.C.R. We pulled up soon after his truck and caught up to him sneaking through the door. "Hey, um, sooo," I stutter looking down at my feet. "What are we doing, ah, first? Because I hope it's not to long. I um, NEED TO PEE! Yeah that's right, pee." My voice sounds three times higher than usual. I look up to see him giggling like I told the funniest joke in the world. His chuckle was low but incredibly sexy. Fuck I need to stop thinking like this. This is going to be a great summer.

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