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The day was a blur, tours, meeting the animals, work hours, payment. Things I didn't really care about. It was almost perfect. But I still couldn't wait to get home.

   Fuck. I have no way to get home, and I'm not going to walk. I look around. Nobody, cat, dog, door, Daniel, cat, dog, wait what? My head turns back to Daniel. "Um, hey, Daniel I- I sorta,"  I stutter while jogging towards him, my eyes trained on the ground. "Please don't tell me that you  sorta don't have a ride home and I need you to be my  cliche knight in shining armor and offer to drive me home." He's slouching in the door way.
"Um, yeah, it's exactly like that. If you have a problem with that I'll walk home, with no choice but to tell my mother exactly what happened." I know that she wouldn't care, but he didn't. He smirks ( which by the way is incredibly cute.)
"I just have to clean up first, but I'll be right out." He turns smirking.
Ahh there we go. He agrees. 1 for Ember 0 for Daniel.

She's cute when she feisty. Her words replayed again and again in my head. She's short, in elvin standards, around 5'5 . Caramel skin, dark brown eyes, dark hair down to her waist and a smile that can brighten the darkest hour. She's a half breed, but is still extremely powerful. "Are you almost done? I can help, if your not." Her voice startled me. "Uh, no actually I just finished. If you want, you can wait by the car. I'll be out in just a second." I look around at her, and our eyes meet for a second and then both look at our feet. I jog around the desk to see if that's where I left my keys. Nope. Then to my 'office'. Still no where to be found. I hear quick footsteps coming up the stairs, and turn around. Ember is standing there laughing her head off. "You, left them in the truck." She was out of breath and was dangling my keys from her hand. Did she run up here? I smile. "Is it that funny? Or were you bored?" She gives me an extremely cheeky smile. "Just bored. I need to get home though, and it didn't necessarily seem like that was going to happen." Then the realisation came over me. "Your mom needs you home right? Oh god, sorry. Let's go."

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