Chapter 6 Pt. 2

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Shane's POV:

"So, how's your "date" with Mica?" I asked to Nicky this morning. He doesn't told us what they did yesterday, instead he'll tell it today. I quoted the word "date" because it's not really a date, it's just hanging out with Mica.

We're preparing breakfast for today. Nicky is doing hot chocolate, and me, cooking breakfast. I'm doing fried rice with egg and bacon. Hmm... The aroma of fried rice is so good, it makes me feel more hungry and so excited to eat.

"Well, it's good", Nicky said. "Mica is having a problem on moving on from her ex-lover and I gave her an advice. His boyfriend is still not giving up to win her heart again. I said that she must not force herself to forget him."

"Hmm... Seems that she wants to escape from the pain his boyfriend caused her."


"Hmm... Ang bango naman ng niluluto mo, Shane."

Oh, what a miracle! I finally heard Mark speaking Tagalog! He went out from his room. He struggle the most among the four of us learning that language. And when it comes to food, Mark is the first one to wake up especially when he smells something delicious.

"Well, tell us more about your "date" with Mica."

Wow! Kian has a strong sense of hearing. He heard what Nicky and I is talking about. He went to Nicky and help him preparing the table. Mark helped me cooking our breakfast this morning.

To make it short, Nicky told us everything he did with Mica. They eat dirty ice cream and bun filled with ice cream. (I wanna try it also. I wish I could hang-out with Mica someday, too.)
They went to carnival near to that park too, and got a ride with Swinging Boat and Caterpillar. Then they ride on a Ferris wheel, which surprised me and the other Lads because we all know that he has fear of heights.

"You know what, you are really a  brave man", said Kian, patting Nicky's shoulder. "You managed to ride on Ferris wheel in spite of your fear."

"It's because of my Miracle", Nicky said with a smile.

Mark frowned, as he cooking the eggs. "What? Miracle?"

"I think he's talking about Mica", I said, now preparing the fried rice.

"Wow! Mica wiped out your fears right?" Kian said to Nicky, as he reached the big bowl with fried rice from me on the kitchen counter. "Maybe she became your Guardian Angel yesterday."

"Yeah, our roles were reversed", Nicky said, preparing the plates and silverwares on the table. "I just looked at her and she hugged me to be calm and feel relaxed. And eventually I enjoy that ride. Makes me feel good."

"And that's why you called her Miracle", I said, now cooking the bacon to make our cooking done. I'm so hungry today because I just eat a little last night. I'm just not in the mood to eat dinner.

"That's why", Nicky said.

Kian asked him an intriguing question, the most intriguing one Nicky would never expected. (Well, I must be the one to ask that question because I'm starting to get jealous with them. Haha! Just joking.)

"Nicky, I don't want to ask this but I think I have too, because you're too close to Mica the from the moment you first meet her", Kian stated. Then, he took a breath. "May gusto ka ba kay Mica?"

Oh, that Tagalog terms again from Kian!  I think he learned that either from Ryan or Mica. Mark and I startled on what he said as we looked to each other. The eggs and bacon are already done and ready to serve.

"Lads, I'm starting to get jealous to you", Mark said to Kian and Nicky as he put down the two plates filled with eggs and bacon on the table. "Why there are things that only the two of you could understand?"

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