Castle? Ship?

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Chapter two

Keith's POV

"Keith? You there?" Shiro asked.

"Ya I'm here. I know this sudden but can you get a healing pod ready?"

"Sure, but are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm ok. But there's a girl with me and-"

"Wait, there's a girl with you??" Lance cut me off. "Why dose Keith get all the girls???"

"Not know lance." shiro said sounding a little annoyed.

"As I was saying..." I mumbled "she was helping me fight the glara and got shot." I explained

"Where and how bad?"

"Left leg and not to bad but deep." I told him

"Alright we'll get a pod ready. See you soon." The radio switched off. I turn around to find Y/n asleep against the wall, with violet's head in her lap. I felt heat raise to my cheeks. Why? I don't know. I turned around and focused on getting us to the ship.

*Small time skip*

I landed red in her hanger, got up and made my way to Y/n. She looked paler then she was. 'Not good,' I thought. I got down to pick up Y/n, only to have violet growl at me. "Hey, it's ok. I'm just taking her to get her healed. Ok?" She glared at me for a few ticks before putting her head on the ground with a huff. I sighed, picked up Y/n, ran out of red and quickly made my way to the infirmary. When I got there the others were there as well, turning to me when the door opened.

"Ah, there you are Keith. The pod is almost ready." Coran said, glancing at me for a tick, then went back to the pod. The others gathered around me and looking curiously and concerned at the sleeping girl in my arms.

"Great Keith, you broke her." lance glared at me.

"No I didn't, she feel asleep on the way here, lance." I glared back.

"Is she Ok? She looks pale." Hunk told us, looking and sounding concerned. I looked down at Y/n and sure enough she was pale, more then before.

"The pod is ready for her!" Coran yelled. I moved past everyone and placed Y/n in the pod. The glass slid shut and started doing it's work.

"How long is she going to be in there?" I asked turning to Allura.

"I few vargas." Allura said. I nodded and turned back to the sleeping Y/n.

"So what happend down there?" Shiro asked.

"Well, I was fighting some of the robots and got pinned down by one. Y/n," I said gesturing to the girl in the pod " and her friend saved me. She did some really cool tricks, even with her injured leg." I said a small smile made its way on to my face, thankfully no one seemed to notice.

"She has a friend?" Lance said with a big and mischievous grin.

"Yes. And don't think on trying anything on her lance."

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