Meet more aliens and a bubble bath

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'This place is confusing...' I thought as we walked down the long hallways.

"So exactly where are we going?" You asked

"To the control room. Allura will mostly be there with Coran." Pidge explained. You nodded and continued walking. 'Why do those names sound familiar...?'. When we got to the control room, we were meet with two people. One had long wavy white hair and a floor long dress, the other had a big orang mustache and was wearing a suite?

"Ah your back," The woman, I'm guessing is Allura, said turning to us, "good to see your awake." She smiled at me. 'Ok, she's being to nice to me' I thought. I nodded giving her a wary look. "Well, I'm Princess Allura of Alta, and you are in my ship." She said.

"Thanks for having me." I crossed my arms, smiling lightly. Violet tilts her head looking at Allura with interest. Allura, seeing the small creature by my said, narrowed her eyes looking both confused and suspicious. I put my hand on Vi's shoulder protectively, my wary look turning into a glare.

"Well... Your name was Y/n right?" Allura asked.

"Yea and this is Violet." I say looking at Violet out of the corner of my eye. Vi lets out a soft sound jumping down from my shoulders, she makes her way to Allura and circles her, sniffing the bottom of her dress.

"My... What peculiar markings... Where did you find her?" Allura asked, kneeling down to get a better look at violet.

"I found her on the planet I was on...or more or less she found me..." I said, smiling. Nodding Allura stands back up, Violet walking back to me. Allura looked me up and down, than looked back down at my leg. Turning my eyes in the same diresction I see my homemade fur/skin clothes were covered in dry blood. I frown and cross my leg in attempt to hide the blood.

"Well...we should get you some clean clothes." Allura smiled.

"Oh I actually finished up your room!" Coran spoke up sounding happy.

"You prepared a room for me?" I asked.

"Of course. Were else would you sleep?" Smiling she heads to the door.

After a bit of walking, we turn into a hall way a bit bigger than the others. Passing by doors Allura says who's room is who's. "Im sorry but your room is a bit further from everyone else." She smiles apologicly.

"Its ok Allura, we dont mind." I say smiling reassuringly, Violet nods too. Entering a large room, I look around in awe. "Wow" I mumble.

"There are clothes I left you in the closet and dresser. The bathroom is over there with every thing you need." Allura smiled. "I'll leave you be to freshen up. Dinner will be ready soon so meet us in the dinning hall." She turns and head for the door. Before she leaves I speak up.

"Allura," I say. Allura hums truning to me "Thank you" I smile, she smiles brightly than leaves.

Walking to the bathroom I was again in awe. Walking over to the tub it looked like a hot tub. I turn the nob and the water flows out and fills the tub. "Ooh! They have bubble soap!!" A smile spreed across my face as I poor some of it in. Bubbles start to form both big, small and everything in between. Nodding to myself I look through the cabinets and drawers, gathering things id need that weren't already out.

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