The drive

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There had been a lot of cars driving on the early Monday Morning.

"Ugh!' He said, "Why is there so much traffic?" he inquired.

I just need to get on the 1-5 and there should be an open road. He was so eager yet so mad since it was he first official road trip, but with his siblings.

"It only 9:00am." He said. "Shouldn't you all be at work!" He said.

He was only inches to the highway, when some bozo cut him off.

"What the F-F..... Heck man!" He shouted trying not to curse in front of his siblings.

"Damn it!" He said quietly to himself. He had missed the light.

As the the light turned green he quickly pressed the gas but stopped cause some kid had cut him off causing an accident.

"Could this day got any worse?" He wonder.

Getting outta of the car to see if the man was alright a bird pooped on his car window.

"Oh, Come on!" He yelled.

Slowly helping the man, his phone rang. He saw it was his mom and texted her "Im helping someone call you later." His mother quickly replayed and said "Okay dear how is everything going ? We are about to take off text you later." After he saw the text, He threw his phone in the car and continued to help the gentleman and his wife.

"Someone call 911!" A guy yelled.

We are going to get you outta here alive sir, I promise. You too ma'am!" Justin said.

"PULL ON THREE! 1! 2! 3!" He yelled everyone pulled with all the might and they all mad it outta there in one piece.

After everything was cleaned up he look at the time and said, "Wow it already 1:00pm! Dang we gotta get a move on." He said slowly pulling on to 1-5.

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