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"Leanna Angelica Vergera!"


"Stop daydreaming and actually finish your chores you little-"

Why did I have to stay here for the summer again? I'm perfectly fine at home.

"But Aunt Cady-"

"Don't Aunt Cady me! You, young lady was sent here by your parents to learn about chores not sit pretty while fangirling over those stupid boybands" She rambled as I watched her with uninterested face.

"I'll have you know, I do not just fangirl over them, I also scream, die a million times and a lot more. Being a fangirl is a lot of work already Aunt Cady" I said as I picked up the knife.

"Well, how did you even get in this kind of situation?"

"What situation?" I giggled as I chopped the onions.

"The fangirl situation." She said as she stirred the hot soup.

"Well, It was actually your fault aunt Cady" I said through giggles.

"Oh, no, It's actually a Thank you I'm supposed to say. Thank you for dragging me to the mall to buy a phone when my mom said it wasn't a bother but you still did and said I've got no social life so yeah... Thanks Aunt Cady" I said with a smirk.

She just rolled her eyes at me with a smirk playing in her lips.

I don't get my family, they give in easily. Maybe that's why I always get out of troubles easily.


"Lea, you will not believe what!"

"Unless you tell me, then I might"

"I'm flying over!" Jana, my online bestfriend squealed through the phone.

"What? When? How? That's crazy!"

"Next week and how? Well, we've got a family friend whom is getting married and my parents wanted to go but I said I didn't want to so they're letting me stay with you for the whole summer. If that's okay of course." She said.

"Of course it's okay! It's more than okay! First time I saw you was when we were together in that horrible camping with our summer camp. And we didn't even know each other back then." I said

"Well, I gotta get pack. See you?" She spoke in her Filipino accent.

"Of course! Be safe babe!" I said as I ended the call.

I was really excited, Jana is an online friend, bestfriend, which I first met at a summer camp. Her parents were one of the cafeteria workers so she got there for free. We were both shy so we both didn't talk to each other.

I talked to her a year after that. I was doing a livestream in my fanaccount when she started fangirling in the comments. After that live, she started dm-ing me. And so she became my bestfriend. Cute right?

"Lea? Sweetie?" My mom's soft voice in a sing song voice came through the room.

"Huh?" I hummed as I looked at her.

She was dressed in a suit kind of thing.. ones like female bosses sometimes wear.

"I'm off to the court." She said.

"Mom, maybe you and dad could talk through it? It doesn't have to be like this?" I said as I frowned.

"Lea, I know you and your dad are bestfriends but I can't keep it like this anymore... He has a wife but she's inlove with another lady. He's my husband but I like another guy. We cant keep this up." She said as she watched me close my laptop shut.

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