'' you "

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Daehwi's POV

I live in a world of silence because I chose to. Not because I have to. Just like how you chose to date Jennie because you chose happiness. Not because you're forced. I knew you're sincerely in love with her and I'm happy for you.

So, stop crying. I'm supposed to be the only one having swollen, puffy red eyes every morning when I go to work. I let her have you and I expect her to treat you right. But of course. Expectations and reality wouldn't be the same.

I blame myself. For not coming out to you. And telling you about my feelings towards you. Pretty silly huh.

I didn't tell you that I felt butterflies fluttering inside my soft tummy whenever your alluring eyes met mine. Whenever my eyes fall upon your ethereal, petite face. Whenever I hear your soothing voice that sounded like melody to my ears.

To me, you're a beautiful masterpiece. A masterpiece that was created specially by God. He crafted each and every of your fine features perfectly. I've memorised your face and even noted down the littlest aspects; your long black lashes that sits above your warm, brown orbs. Who wouldn't fall in love with you?

You're my hyung and my best friend. You say you are a lover of the arts, but you are my lover who belongs in the museums. Not through the halls or with a sketchbook in hand, tucked into the corners unappreciated, but on the walls inside the frames with the tiny, little labels naming each and everyone of your toes and fingers, one for each eyebrow and more for every blemish.

You were always meant to be appreciated by the world-the stars, the moons, the cosmos, and you. With my arms outstretched like branches towards the sky, you are my sunlight, and I am your sunflower. Starved and craving your all, as long as I'm engulfed in your warmth, I'm happy no matter what we are.


i don't rly count this as a chapter so let's just say it's an intro but at the same time it's also not an intro bcs this is supposed to be use at the end of the fucking story :-) oh just a warning that there'll be matured content because I swear a lot and when I say a lot it's A LOT

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