" sleepwalking "

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It's 2 fucking am but Daehwi was casually eating shmores while lying on his bed, watching Riverdale. He just never gets tired of watching the same thing over and over again.

When he's feeling down, or tired, or just ill, he'll plopped down in front of a tried-and-true emotional savior, instead of expending energy on finding a new and risky alternative. But why is something he'd already seen dozens of times still capable of affording him such comfort and pleasure?

It's like a drug. Wait, it's a distraction. To enlighten him in some way and let him forget about all the weight that were on his shoulders just one hour ago.

When the episode ends, he'll just shut his hooded eyes and not care about the dirty plate on his bed nor his breath that smells like marshmallows and nutella but will eventually stinks when he wakes up.


"wake up you headass"

The audio of a guy he loves kept on replaying and replaying until Daehwi stops the darn alarm and actually wakes the hell up. It takes up so much energy for him to open his eyes, what more to sit up on his bed. After the 9th time the same alarm and audio goes off, he literally threw his phone across his room and immediately regrets it as he rushes over to the abused iPhone.

Daehwi never gets sick of the same audio that keeps playing every morning. He loves it. The honey voice of his crush. But why is something he'd already heard dozens of times still capable of affording him such comfort and pleasure?


Daehwi's POV

It hadn't been quite two weeks before my twentieth birthday when I started losing time. It took me a few days to accept that this wasn’t the same thing as simply daydreaming for a few minutes. Sometimes I woke up confused and disoriented and didn’t know where I was, what was i thinking.

My night times turned into an unbroken expanse of darkness, which was a welcome change from the usual fitful sleep packed with vivid dreams, but my daylight hours sometimes seemed to be shrinking to a pinpoint. Some days, I lost more time than others.

Time, and temper.

I could hear the foot steps of my colleague that shares the same room as me. I fiddled with my fingers as I let him have his words with me.

He recoiled. "Daehwi?"

I felt a conscious receding of something other, and felt the muscles in my face untwist themselves. "What do you want Jihoon?" I asked, concentrating on keeping my voice level as calm as possible, fighting the terror that bubbled up, rancid within me. The urge to just shout at him.

"It's just - well, you've lately been sleepwalking whenever you work during your night shifts. Somehow Daehwi, you be wilding at night," he chuckled.

"I didn't want to wake you then because I've heard it's very frightening for sleepwalkers, to be interrupted. But now there're these daytime trances...." His face was drawn and white, his entire posture defensive, curling in on itself. I must have gone whole-hog with the whole crazy eyes thing. He gulped.

"Trances?" I parroted back at him, dumbly. A sharp pain in my thumb made me drop my confused gaze from his face to my hand. The fingernail was torn deep into the quick, oozing dark blood in a sharp line through the gash, in the nail. I cringed at the sight and wiped my palms on my tight ass jeans.

"Ah nevermind, I'll get going." the older flashed a thin smile as he tries to escape from the rather awkward and tensed situation.

Another day of keeping my mouth shut because keeping quiet is easier than talking.


oh well

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