" soft "

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Daehwi went to the cafe before going back to his penthouse because dang, it was a tiring day for him. Nah, it's just his daily routine. And coffee is life. ( cal: i love coffee but whenever i pee after drinking caffeine, it smells like fucking coffee?? lmao it's disgusting 😤 )

Too bad there was a huge queue so after getting his beloved drink, Daehwi was almost late for the bus. He rushed to the door while dealing with the stupid lid when suddenly the door opened from the other side. The other boy groaned in frustration and a slight bit of pain after the hot liquid spilled over the white surface.

Daehwi just noticed how tall the male figure was and immediately recognized the other when he heard the painful moans escaping the other's mouth. 

"I-I-I'm so-"

"Watch where you're going, kid"


Daehwi jumped forward to help the older but stepped on something that was surely not the fucking floor. And immediately moved his foot after the older groan.

"Oh my holy shit, I'm so sorry"

Daehwi was so lost trying to fix this awkward situation, but the older just raised his hand to tell Daehwi to shut the fuck up then straightened his posture to look at Daehwi. Daehwi wanted to say something again, but at the moment their eyes met, all the words got stuck in his throat and he completely drowned himself into the older's deep chocolate-brown orbs that were staring directly into his soul.

At this moment, he just wanted to curl himself into a ball and fucking cry his eyes out for embarrassing himself in front of his crush. He fiddled with his fingers, not breaking the eye contact when he opened his mouth but got interrupted by the other.

"Stop apologizing...don't even talk or say anything because I'm trying my very best not to fucking punch you in the face right now..." Jinyoung said in a calm yet assertive tone, so Daehwi just shut his mouth as his lips formed a thin line. He looked down at the coffee dripping down his hand when Jinyoung just disappeared into the cafe. The amount of liquid that was still left in the cup wasn't appetizing at all.


Doesn't he know me? Ahh i don't think so haha so much for someone that sees me every day at work.

Daehwi groaned as he massaged his temples out of frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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