akward situation

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Something super akward happend today at hell

Okey this happend during textiles.

Okey I NEVER say anything in class but if I have to answer a question, i'll say my answer only so our teacher will here what I said.

But when I was siting in class waiting for my teacher to help me, a girl named Nora said "Olivia you like never speak do you?" And then another girl named Elin said "Exept at KingOut (it's a game we play att resest), but Yeah we all talk right out in class exept you"

And Im just siting there, blusing like crasy while my twin is saying nothing but glaring at Elin and Nora.

And then Elin says "No offens tho."

And I look down at the tabel blusing so hard my face was almost Pink...

It was super akward for me. And I didn't even reply to Nora or Elin!

Anyhoo Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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