be safe and happy

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This chapter is diffrent. But if you need it. Please Reed.

You are who you are. If it feels like the worst in your life, then I swear, noboby will ever know how much it really hurts. But I hope my words will help you if you are like me. Because I feel like I need these words to be said to me. These words you may or may not understand. Here I go.

I'm not the one I want to be, I want to be a movie star. But I'm to shy, I'm to scared. I hate to talk, because I feel like I'm gonna say something wrong in front of my class. So I try to fit in, but deep down, I know that I should not care about how anybody cares about me. But I Can't help it. I just feel lost, all the time.

I'm to shy to speak up, because I did speak up ones and it hurt me so much. I told my whole class that I wanted to end myself, a boy said: Do it, nobody cares. It hurt me. But I was to angry to care. I just screamed back. I regret it so so much. Because I don't want anybody, not even that boy, to hurt them self. I want everybody to feel safe and happy.

The Words Everybody Needs To Hear Is.

Don't end your self.
Be yourself.
Even if you are scared.
Because I will be on every side.
I will do my best to keep even the People I don't like safe and happy.

And If you end, you won't hurt the most. The ones that love you will.

And if you have nobody, I will make sure that I will be there for you. Because My Special Friend said this:

"Friends are for hugs and support even at your worst. Even if they are on the other side of the world from you."

So I'll be there, even if you don't need me.

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