chapter 2

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I reached back home; lost in the thoughts of my geo teacher. He looked so young about twenty_five or more .what if he thought I was one of those girl that get all crazy about their teacher? I asked myself didn't expected to be loud;was answered by a voice.
" yes you are pretty much obsess with him" khal said bringing me back to the real world . Now that he knows about my obsession with my teacher i might as well tell him.
"He's just perfect, I'm not only obsessed with him but I really love him" I said to my boy best friend that looked shock at my words.
"There's something about him I don't really trust" he said staring at me with his ocean blue eyes.
"Your such a mother" I said and we both burst out into laughter. We came out of the car and went to our separate houses. I went inside and realize that the door was already open so, I search around the house with my eyes to see my Mom in the kitchen preparing dinner.
"Hello sweetheart, how was school??"
"Fine mom " I said as I rapidly rush upstairs. I place my bag on the floor and crash onto the bed. I took out my phone and check if I got any message but I didn't. Then the thought of my geo teacher unexpectedly occupied my thoughts ,as a chills rush up to my face making me smile.
Those eyes, those smile,perfect body........i snapped myself out of it as I check if he was on facebook. To my surprise he was and I quickly send him a request but he didn't accept it.
"Why the heck did he not reply and accept my request" I said to myself tensely.
"If he will not accept my request then I won't be doing any assignment of his". I place my phone on the bed got change and went down stairs. The smell of baked chicken and mashed potatoes entered my nostrils as I could taste the delicious scent tackling my taste buds .I went over and helped my mom set the table as we both sat down and ate everything which was very scrumptious. I cleared the table and washed the dishes while my mom dried them, I was  finished so, I went back up stairs. My phone buzz and I crash onto the bed and saw that he actually blocked me from his Facebook page because I didn't see any pictures.
" why would he do that!! "I said very confused. I tried everything I could but nothing seemed to be working. I place my phone on the nightstand and tucked myself under my spread and fell a sleep.



he alarm went off again and I was up for my second day at school. I went into the bathroom washed my face ,brushed my teeth and went for a bath .I didn't apply much makeup on so, i curled my hair and dressed myself in my favorite blue crop top with a black Cardigan and my black high waist skirt that was a bit above my knees with my black leggings boots .I took the last steer at myself in the mirror and was pleased at how I looked so I went down stairs. My mother wasn't there so I went to the fridge and took out another snicker and went to my car. I saw khal waving at me from his car and I did the same. We both drove off but I was the first to reach at school. Long after I saw him pulling over next to me.
" where were you mister"I said as I slowly approach him.
"I went to pick up something from my mom's work place" he said scratching the back of his head.
"Why do you look so nervous" I said to him with my brows clenched together.
"N..uh ..uhmm I got to go" he said eyeing me strangely. .

That was weird**

The bell rang as I hurried my way to Mr blackford class. I went in and as usual there was no teacher and the students were all making noise so ,I made my way to my seat. It was like I could feel his presence as he made his way to the door and it cracked open. Again everyone was quiet but the butterflies in my stomach weren't.
"Good morning class" he said taking his seat. The class replied but I didn't ; I looked up on him and saw how his red button up shirt was sucked onto his muscles and I could count all his packs that was visible to me.

"How can a person focused, when he's such a slayer" I said to myself inviting back the butterflies to celebrate in my stomach.
"Abbie Holmes, can you please stand"I heard his voice spoke angrily.

What did I do now**

"Why haven't you complete my assignment?" He said still in his angry tone. I took a look around the class to see all their eyes was now focused on me.
"I...I'm so sorry i was kind of busy so I couldn't do it" I said with shamefacedness.
"You know you have to stay back after school to finished it right?" He said in a much calm tone.
"Yes Sir" I said soundly. The bell rang. The bell rang again to signal lunch time. I wasnt upset with Mr blackford I was rather glad that I was going to be alone in class with him. This time I collected my lunch without joining any line and met up with my friend khal. We were the only two around our table because we never allowed anyone else to.
"Hey buddy" I said sitting down.
"What was that for this morning?" I asked.
"Hey Abbie how was geo class" he said ignoring the question I asked him.
"It was as always, great" I said never question the fact that he didn't answer my question. The day went by as it was time for my date.... A mean detention with Mr perfect. I went in the class to see , he was already there I was about to speak when he told me to sit and start my assignment. Few minutes after he got up and let the room. I realize that it was ten minutes since he had gone and I was already finished with the assignment. I went out to search for him when I heard a loud scream my heart nearly burst open at the sound .when I went closer to the sound I slowly crack the door to see Mr blackford ,my perfectly flawless teacher with his teeth sank into another teacher's neck. My heart literally dropped and I started to scream when he saw me his eyes were flaming red . I was about to run when I felt my body started to float in the air he swung me across the room and I was knocked out....

Obsession By Tiffany ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now