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From everlasting to everlasting

A concept we cannot grasp

We live in the here and now

At least most of us do

To understand time as never finishing

To understand a life after death, a moment after completion

This is beyond our grasp

A place beyond were we are

Yet that is what we are to understand

That is what we are to come to grips with

Time everlasting, life forever going on

But not life as we now know and understand

For truly, life as we now know it

Is something no one would truly cope with

To see this one has just to focus

On one small part of this life we have

The pain and joy of birth

Growing old, fragility

Failing memories

Hurt hearts and children's pain

Too much time to live

If this was the choice to be made

Yet this is not the everlasting

Of which I freely speak

And to understand it you must have faith

In an unseen God, in a fragile world.

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