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The sunlight glistens in the dew

But I see it not today

The birds sing out their favorite songs

But to my ears it does not play

The waves pound the cliffs on the shore

But that means nothing to me

All creation shouts out His praise

But still silent am I

For my words fall useless from my mouth

And my mind refuses to work

As I look upon the creator

Of all heaven and earth

His countenance is beyond description

His beauty beyond compare

His manliness beyond question

There is none on earth with Him to compare

His compassion and grace without measure

And all I can do is but stare

I long to sing out his praises

To shout till I am without breath

But the words fall quickly from me

And the vision takes away my breath

Oh how I long to be with Him

To drink in this sight every day

To finally hear from His precious lips

That I will no longer stray

Far from His side in the winter

Far from His side any day

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